The East College Street Project has become home to several new businesses in recent months. Although Gary Boyle, City of Oberlin Planning Director, said the city does what it can to make Oberlin attractive...
Three pieces of legislation have attacked abortion in the past two months. Ohio’s “Heartbeat” Bill, which significantly limits the time frame in which a woman can get an abortion, was introduced...
Thursday, Feb. 17
1:24 a.m. Officers were requested at Wilder Hall to assist with a student ill from alcohol consumption. The student was not able to walk on her own and was transported to Mercy...
Thursday, Feb. 10
5:33 p.m. Officers and the Oberlin Fire Department responded to a fire alarm on the second floor of East Hall. The cause of the activation was found to be smoke from burnt food. The...
Over 200 students discussed America’s educational system with President Marvin Krislov and a panel of top Ohio and Oberlin educators after a film screening of Waiting for “Superman” Wednesday night.
After years of planning and discussion, American Municipal Power–Ohio has decided not to build its gas-powered power plant in Meigs County, Ohio, choosing instead to buy a gas plant that is currently...
While Oberlin students were away on Winter Term, 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner of Tucson, AZ shot 19 people, including U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona). A few months earlier, he dropped...
This semester, the College continues to live up to its motto of “learning and labor.” On Tuesday, The Science Center was cluttered with tables and people presenting and learning about volunteer organizations....
A version of this article that ran on February 11th stated that Fenty will co-teach a Politics class this spring semester. That was incorrect. Fenty will co-teach POLT 105 next fall and will make an as-yet-unscheduled...
College senior Isabelle Rozendaal and four others were arrested last January for protesting mountaintop removal mining at Coal River Mountain in Marfork, West Virginia. Though criminal charges against...
What got you interested in sex education?
Rachel Dart: My best friend in high school was a sex educator. I thought what she did was awesome, and went to her with all of my questions. Later, when I...
While Oberlin was in recess for winter term, Aladdin’s Eatery, a Middle Eastern restaurant franchise, moved into the space formerly inhabited by Java Zone.
Aladdin’s Eatery had scoped out Oberlin...