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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

College Partners with U.N., Global Foundation for Performing Arts

Alexa Stevens, News Editor September 30, 2022

On Thursday, the Office of the President announced via email that Oberlin had entered into a partnership with both the United Nations Institute for Training and Research and the Global Foundation for the...

Due to an incident last Friday night, Clarity remained closed over the weekend.

Campus Security Responds to Clarity Vandalism

Nikki Keating, Editor-in-Chief September 30, 2022

An incident involving unauthorized access, theft, and destruction of property occurred within Clarity on Sept. 24 between 2 and 3:30 a.m. Clarity is a dining space on campus that provides entrées with...

Arboretum Wetland Construction Complete, Reopen to Public

Alexa Stevens, News Editor September 30, 2022

After about a year of partial closure, the Arboretum is reopening in full. Construction was initially forecasted to conclude in December of 2021, but was delayed due to material and labor shortages and...

Voters can cast ballots on Election Day, Nov. 8, or during early voting beginning Oct. 12.

Tax Bills, Amendments to State Constitution on Midterm Ballot

Isaac Imas, Production Editor September 30, 2022

The annual Oberlin Community Candidates Night took place on Tuesday, Sept. 20. Candidates presented their platforms and answered questions from College students and community members, providing insight...

John Berkman

University of Toronto Professor John Berkman Gives Mead-Swing Lecture on First Nations Land Claims in Canada

Sofia Tomasic, Senior Staff Writer September 30, 2022

On Thursday, Professor of Moral Theology at the University of Toronto John Berkman gave a talk in King Building titled “First Nations Land Claims in Canada: Religious and Political Factors.” This lecture...

Career Center Implements Changes to Junior Practicum

Adrienne Sato, Senior Staff Writer September 30, 2022

The Career Exploration and Development Center is launching Junior Practicum 2.0 this semester. This updated version of Junior Practicum aims to be more accessible and to increase opportunities for students...

Mobile Senior Center Continues Operations in First Church, Expands to LaGrange

Sofia Tomasic, Senior Staff Writer September 23, 2022

The Oberlin Senior Center closed permanently in March 2020 due to financial hardship. In September 2021, The Neighborhood Alliance, a nonprofit organization that provides family support services to the...

Presence, a software implemented by the College this semester, tracks student event attendee data.

Presence Data Collection Altered Following Student Concerns

Alexa Stevens, News Editor September 23, 2022

At the start of this semester, the College began using Presence, a software program designed to organize campus events and track attendee data. Recently, students have expressed concerns over Presence’s...

Last Tuesday night, candidates spoke to students and community members about their platforms and positions on a variety of issues.

Midterm Election Candidates Speak to Oberlin College, Community

Isaac Imas, Production Editor September 23, 2022

The annual Oberlin Community Candidates Night was held this past Tuesday evening in Dye Lecture Hall. OCCN is an opportunity for individuals running for federal, state, and local office in the midterm...

AVI Foodsystems recently launched several changes to campus dining, including the implementation of kiosk ordering stations.

AVI Implements Dining Changes, Students Respond

Ava Miller, The Bulletin Editor September 23, 2022

AVI Foodsystems has made changes to dining services, such as implementing reusable “eco boxes” for students to take food to-go and kiosks to speed up the food ordering process at certain locations.  Reusable...

Over the summer, the College assisted the Green EDGE Fund in creating a solar-powered charging and Wi-Fi station.

Green EDGE Fund Installs Solar-Powered Outdoor Workstation

Adrienne Sato, Senior Staff Writer September 23, 2022

This summer, after more than a year of planning, the College’s Green EDGE Fund installed a solar-powered outdoor working station complete with charging ports, LED lights, and Wi-Fi connection that is...

Allegra Kirkland

Allegra Kirkland, OC ’12, Teen Vogue Politics Director Talks Journalism

Alexa Stevens, News Editor September 23, 2022

Allegra Kirkland, OC ’12, is the politics director at Teen Vogue. During her time at Oberlin, Kirkland served as a News Editor and Editor-in-Chief of the Review. Before joining the Teen Vogue staff,...

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