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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

ThiNi Thai plans to open its new expanded space by the end of June.

Local Businesses Navigate Changing Economic Conditions

Anisa Curry Vietze, Editor-in-Chief March 11, 2022

As the Omicron wave loosens its grip on Northern Ohio, downtown Oberlin businesses navigate yet another stage in the pandemic despite ongoing supply chain and labor shortage issues. ThiNi Thai...

Over the past week, students have held multiple fundraisers in Mudd Center to raise money for Ukrainians impacted by Russia’s invasion.

Students Plan Protest, Fundraiser

Isaac Imas, Production Editor March 11, 2022

This Sunday at noon, students will hold a peaceful protest in Wilder Bowl in support of Ukrainian armed forces, state actors, and civilians resisting the Russian invasion. The upcoming protest...

Security Report

March 11, 2022

Thursday, March 3, 2022 12:30 p.m. A student reported that their laptop was taken from the printer area in Mudd Center. The laptop was found and turned in to staff, who returned it to the owner. Friday,...

Activists have hung posters advertising the protest that will take place on Saturday.

Continued College Inaction Provokes Second Protest Against Mahallati

Gigi Ewing, Managing Editor March 4, 2022

Protesters are set to return to Oberlin this Saturday to demonstrate against the employment of Professor of Religion Mohammad Jafar Mahallati, who has been accused of covering up crimes against...

Revised COVID-19 guidelines require that students continue to wear masks in indoor spaces such as Mudd Center.

College Maintains COVID-19 Caution, City Schools Go Mask-Optional

Kush Bulmer, News Editor March 4, 2022

The College and the Oberlin City Schools district both announced the relaxation of COVID-19 protocols this past week. In a Tuesday ObieSafe email, the College stated that on March 7, all campus...

The Oberlin Fire Department will receive a new set of emergency crash extrication tools.

Oberlin Fire Department to Receive New Extrication Tools

Lauren Krainess, Contributing News Editor March 4, 2022

Oberlin City Council unanimously approved an ordinance on Feb. 7, directing the Oberlin City Manager to purchase $50,900.02 worth of new extrication tools and hydraulic door openers for the Oberlin...

2022 Ohio Gubernatorial Primary Candidates

March 4, 2022

The Ohio 2022 primary will take place on May 3. The voter registration deadline is April 4. Democrats Nan Whaley, 46, is the former mayor of Dayton, OH, a position she held...

Community Gathers for Teach-In on Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Community Gathers for Teach-In on Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Isaac Imas, Production Editor March 4, 2022

Over 250 students, professors, and community members attended yesterday’s Russian and East European Studies teach-in on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began Feb. 24. The event, moderated...

Construction of a new plant that will convert landfill methane into renewable natural gas has begun on Hill Creek

Construction to Start on New EDL Landfill Gas Plant

Ella Moxley, News Editor March 4, 2022

Construction will start on a new $80 million landfill gas processing plant this month. The new plant will convert methane from the Republic Services Lorain County Landfill into renewable natural...

Snow coated the College’s campus during the February 3–4 snowstorm.

Heavy Winter Storms Prompt Environmental Justice Efforts

Kush Bulmer, News Editor February 25, 2022

Local organizations have been working over the last month to provide resources for low-income and other residents impacted by increasingly volatile winter storms. Providing Oberlin With Efficiency...

The College announced the hiring of Dean of Student Success Harmony Cross (left) and Assistant Dean and Director of Student Accessibility Services Rebecca Smith (right) in January.

Oberlin Welcomes Deans Cross, Smith

Lauren Krainess, Contributing News Editor February 25, 2022

The College welcomed Harmony Cross as dean of student success on Jan. 24 and Rebecca Smith as assistant dean and director of student accessibility services on Jan. 18. Both appointments come amid...

Students and community members vote at the Heisman Club Field House in the 2020 election.

Committee Misses Court Deadline, New Districts Remain Uncertain

Ella Moxley, News Editor February 25, 2022

The Ohio Redistricting Commission failed to meet a deadline last week to produce fair legislative maps as ordered by the Ohio Supreme Court. With the Ohio primary elections scheduled for May 3,...

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