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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

“Financial Update From Chris Canavan ’84, Chair-elect, Board of Trustees”

Chris Canavan, OC ’84 September 8, 2017

Editor’s Note: The following is an email sent June 14, 2017 to the Oberlin College faculty and staff by the chair of the Board of Trustees. This was not submitted to the Review as a Letter to...

Integration of Athletics, Academics Benefits Community

Lilah Drafts-Johnson, Contributing Writer September 8, 2017

After seeing yet another Facebook comment thread feud between student-athletes and non-student-athletes this summer, I felt that it might be prudent for me to take the conversation to a more productive...

Harvey Hits Both Texas, Economy

Jackie Brant, Opinions Editor September 8, 2017

On Aug. 26, I watched from Oberlin as Hurricane Harvey — a storm that would go down as one of the most devastating natural disasters in Texan history — destroyed my hometown of Houston. Harvey...

City of Oberlin Recognizes Indigenous People

Kate Fishman, Managing Editor September 8, 2017

When I was in elementary school, my teacher read us Jane Yolen’s Encounter, an illustrated book displaying a Native American child’s perspective on the arrival of the Italian explorer, Christopher...

Review Breaks Tradition with Oxford Comma

Sami Mericle, Opinions Editor September 8, 2017

To the Editors: While I was impressed by the reporting in the semester’s first issue of the Review, I was jolted by the use of the Oxford comma, a stylistic change that has evidently been...

Gibson’s Boycott Denies Due Process

Roger Copeland, Emeritus Professor of Theater and Dance September 8, 2017

To the Editors: In the Sept. 1, 2017 issue of The Oberlin Review, the paper’s Editorial Board lists a number of actions taken last year by the Krislov administration which “[paint] a picture...

It Builds Character!

It Builds Character!

Kathryn Blessington, Contributor September 8, 2017

Ambar Provides Opportunity for Needed Change

Editorial Board September 1, 2017

Each new academic year offers an opportunity to turn a new leaf. With the end of former President Marvin Krislov’s decade-long tenure this summer, that opportunity has perhaps never been...

Community Must Come Together in Difficult Times

Charles Newman, OC ’65 September 1, 2017

To the Editors: Here are some ways the Oberlin community of students, faculty, administrators, and alumni might function as a special social resource in these terrible times. Oberlin must always...

What Happened to Oberlin?

What Happened to Oberlin?

Melissa Harris, Editor-in-Chief September 1, 2017

Alum Demands Respect for Dye

Michael H. Lubas, OC ’69 September 1, 2017

To the Editors: I am enraged, and The Oberlin Review should be ashamed! The May 5 edition with its front page lead-in on Marvin Krislov’s legacy is an abomination! While I was never a Nancy...

Charlottesville Highlights Need for Bystander Intervention

Kira Findling, Contributing Writer September 1, 2017

I went to high school with a girl who talked a lot about her interest in Hitler. Most of my friends thought it was weird; when she started talking about the Third Reich, we would try to change the...

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