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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Council Needs Quicker Decision on City Manager

Editorial Board September 9, 2016

The city manager search that has now stretched for nine months re­sembles an episode of Amy Poehler’s Parks and Recreation, except there’s no season finale in sight. Interim City Manager and Finance...

Community Must Acknowledge Anti-Semitism

Jade Schiff, Assistant Professor of Politics September 9, 2016

To the Editors: Kudos to Oliver Bok and the staff of The Oberlin Review for careful and responsible report­ing on the ongoing governance process concerning Profes­sor Karega in what is, to put it...

Progressives Should Oppose Gun Control

Josh Ashkinaze, Contributing Writer September 9, 2016

While we may associate gun sup­porters with angry white men in leather jackets and gun control supporters with hippies and peace signs, these stereo­types are only a product of recent times. Throughout...

Next Oberlin President Must Promote Unity

Kameron Dunbar, Contributing Writer September 9, 2016

The angst sweeping the country has trickled down to the microcosm of Oberlin. The year has been divisive for the country as a whole. We have a presidential candi­date calling for an entry ban on an entire...

Administration Should Encourage Students to Approach Professors

Jennifer Feigin, College junior September 9, 2016

To the Editors: I took Environmental Stud­ies 101 during my freshman spring. I felt confident in my performance throughout the semester, not only because I had worked hard in the class, but also because...

Disability Informs Personal Identity, Politics

Auden Granger, Production Staff Member September 9, 2016

I’m disabled. If this article already makes you feel un­comfortable, you’re not alone. Disability is the kind of subject you’re expected to deal with privately and secretly. You’re not supposed...

Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon

Nick Endicott, Contributor September 9, 2016

Nick Endicott

Student Senate Candidate Statements

September 3, 2016

The Oberlin Review does not endorse any candidate in the upcoming Student Senate election. According to an Aug. 28 email from Student Senate, there are nine of fifteen positions open for the upcoming...

Trump Campaign Aided by Mainstream Media

Alec Perlow, Contributing Writer September 2, 2016

Mainstream media is seemingly disdainful of Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump but can’t stop talking about him. A study by Politico found that Trump’s media coverage was valued at approximately...

Lack of Hands-On Experience Stifles Activism

CJ Blair, Contributing Writer September 2, 2016

When I landed a job catching butterflies with the Forest Service, I didn’t expect to fall in love with toads. Yet as I worked all summer to restore a butterfly habitat in Michigan, I found myself looking...

Poor Communication Plagues Campus

Sydney Allen, Editor-in-Chief September 2, 2016

Using Oberlin as a case study to address issues such as free speech, anti-Semitism and institutional racism, Nathan Heller explored the mindset of the modern student activist in the May 30 issue of The...

Sexism in Sports Extends Beyond Olympics Coverage

Maureen Coffey, Business Manager September 2, 2016

This summer, like many of you, I watched the Rio Olympics. As the games wore on, I was happy to see many of my Oberlin peers enraged by the blatantly sexist remarks by reporters and the subpar treatment...

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