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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon

Nick Endicott, Contributor September 2, 2016

Holistic Approach to Journalism Necessary for Campus Newspaper

Editorial Board September 2, 2016

Oberlin students likely spent the summer plagued by the question, “Is Oberlin really like that?” in reference to The New Yorker journalist Nathan Heller’s investigation of student activism on campus...

Opinions Section Crucial in Age of Post-Truth

Sami Mericle, Opinions Editor September 2, 2016

When I interviewed for the position of the Review’s Opinions Editor at the end of last semester, I stumbled over the first question: “Why do you want the job?” At the time, I couldn’t honestly...

Buyout Signals Death of Academic Freedom

Roger Copeland, Professor of Theater and Dance May 8, 2016

In what must surely be one of the greatest lawyer jokes of all time, Groucho and Chico parody the jargonized mumbo-jumbo of legally-binding contracts in the “contract scene” in the Marx Brothers’...

International Political Situation Calls for Democratic Values

Sean Para, Columnist May 6, 2016

I’ve written about a range of topics over the past four years, from international affairs to domestic politics to half-baked political theory. This is quite a week on which to end my column for the Review....

Blame Monsanto, not GMO Technology

Chloe Vassot, Contributing Writer May 6, 2016

By now, it’s commonplace to hear diehard Oberlin food justice activists, and even mainstream Americans, talk about the agricultural company Monsanto with anger and hatred. Its name has become synonymous...

Internet Activism Can Flourish Without Trauma

Andy Goelzer, Contributing Writer May 6, 2016

About two weeks ago I published a blog entry on my website, GQzine, called “Dear Diary, Humiliation, Grief, and a Call to Action.” I wrote about an experience I had at a meeting about privilege and...

College Should Remember Commitment to Intellectual Freedom

Anh Lê, Parent May 6, 2016

To the Editors: This has been an intense school year at Oberlin College. Such is not a surprise. Oberlin is renowned and highly respected for its tradition and legacy of encouraging intellectual...

Mercy Endangers Patients with Religious Ideals

Cyrus Eosphoros, Contributing Writer May 6, 2016

Editor’s Note: This op-ed contains discussion of medical malpractice, ableism, transphobia and homophobia. In February of this year, The Guardian acquired a leaked report describing how a single Mercy...

Video Journal a Chance for Reflection

CJ Blair, Columnist May 6, 2016

When I left to go to college, my mom made a simple request. She told me to record a one second video on my phone every day and send it to her. She said these videos could be of absolutely anything, from...

Campus Must Support OCOPE Negotiations

Editorial Board May 6, 2016

The remainder of this month is all about countdowns. Six hours until reading period begins. Six days until the first day of finals. Eleven days until the majority of our student body makes a break for...

Can You Teach an Old Essay New Tricks?

Adam Gittin, News Editor May 6, 2016

When I was walking through Tappan Square the other morning, not at all minding the puddles, I stumbled over a disembodied marble hand. All around in the grass there were broken pieces of statuary. Half...

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