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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Messages of Prejudice, Intimidation Unwelcome on College Campuses

Editorial Board September 19, 2014

When morning classes broke for lunch Wednesday, students funneled out of academic buildings onto North Professor Street to the sight of demonstrators holding large signs emblazoned with the words “Fear...

Feminism Hindered by Mainstream Accessibility, Ignores Political Struggle

Sophie Kemp, Contributing Writer September 19, 2014

When I was 14 years old, I adhered to an ultra-apologetic feminism. I was the kind of “feminist” that always explained to boys and skeptics that feminism was for everyone. I constantly reminded people...

Alumni Council Considers Changes to Bylaws

To the Editors: This weekend, the Alumni Council will consider changes to the Alumni Association’s bylaws. Sixteen past presidents of the Alumni Association, including myself, have reviewed the proposed...

Swing Dancing Gives Introverts Opportunity to Find Social Footing

CJ Blair, Columnist September 19, 2014

Oberlin may be known in particular for its stellar musical community, with its Creative Writing and Art departments following not too far behind. But what about dance? I’m not gonna pretend I know much...

Senate Elections – Candidate Statements

September 19, 2014

Student Senate elections will take place online starting Saturday, Sept. 20 at noon, and polls will remain open until 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 25. Students will have the opportunity to meet Senate...

Referendum Key to Student Senate Accessibility

Aaron Appel and Emma Snape September 19, 2014

To the Editors: Hi all, it’s Aaron again, this time joined by fellow retiring Student Senator Emma Snape. We wanted to take some time to address the Student Senate’s Fall 2014 Referendum, which...

Retiring Student Senator Offers Advice

Aaron Appel, College senior September 12, 2014

To the Editors: Welcome/welcome back, Obies! Hope you’re getting (back) into the swing of things. I’m Aaron (or Appel), and since last fall, I’ve been one of your student senators. Before I start...

Putin’s Government Prioritizes Russian State at Expense of People

Andrew Fedorov, Contributing Writer September 12, 2014

Since the early 1940s, my grandfather has kept track of the price of bread. During the Second World War, while living in Chelyabinsk, a major industrial city in Russia’s Ural Mountains, he starved to...

On Radiolab, Privileged Voices Prevail

Lisa-Qiao MacDonald and Tanya Tran September 12, 2014

Radiolab: dedicated to curiosity, storytelling and getting to the “fact of the matter.” What does it look like, though, when the search for “truth” — supposedly objective and just — ends up...

Celebrities Bring Rebranded Feminism to Pop Culture

Maggie Menditto, Contributing Writer September 12, 2014

In an August interview with The Guardian, Taylor Swift “came out” as a feminist in mainstream media: “As a teenager, I didn’t understand that saying you’re a feminist is just saying that you...

Albino Squirrel Ill-Suited as Mascot

Remington Schneider, College senior September 12, 2014

To the Editors: I am afraid that Oberlin College has lost sight of the importance of its motto, “Learning and Labor.” As of January 2014, the Athletics department added an albino squirrel as a mascot...

WRLC Thanks Day of Service Volunteers

Kate Pilacky, Western Reserve Land Conservancy September 12, 2014

To the Editors: I’d like to thank Oberlin College Grounds Department, the Bonner Center for Service and Learning and the dozen or so freshmen and supervisor students for the hard work and tools they...

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