Two weeks ago, I attended the 18th Biennial Midwest Asian-American Student Conference, which was hosted by Oberlin’s Asian-American Alliance. MAASC was the first conference I’ve attended that focuses...
Part of what makes Oberlin a great place is that people are so willing to engage in dialogue about serious issues, but the forum this discussion takes place in has the power to detract from the opinions...
Could it actually be that a conflict that is featured so much in the news and policy journals is growing increasingly irrelevant?
As Syria shows, the answer is yes. It isn’t that the lives are...
To the Editor:
My name is Evan Tincknell, and I have been a Green EDGE Fund board member for the past three years. The following is my own personal response and does not necessarily reflect the sentiment...
To the Editor:
The Oberlin Tobacco-Free Sub-Committee posted a preliminary draft of the Tobacco-Free Initiative Policy on our regularly updated website on Monday, Feb. 24: new.
To the Editor:
The article in the March 7, 2014 Review, “Oberlin Ranked U.S.’s Worst Return on Investment” (Aidan Apel, author and College senior), is one we read with interest. In light of rising...
Julia Connor, Double degree fifth-year
• April 5, 2014
To the Editor:
Many thanks to the Review for bringing attention to something rarely discussed in the Conservatory — musician injuries. I believe the Conservatory must take more responsibility for...
Part of Oberlin’s appeal is its salacious, open-minded, body- and sex-positive outlook on sexual expression. Throughout its history this college has proven to be at the forefront of issues related to...
To the Editor:
Many senators and other students seem to be under the impression that talking about racism is getting in the way of Senate’s productivity. When Senators Acey and Gil bring up racism...
To the Editor:
On March 25, the Supreme Court heard arguments in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., a case challenging the Affordable Care Act’s provision that employers provide preventive healthcare...
Recent allegations in Congress against the CIA have highlighted a major trend in U.S. constitutional history in the past century. Since the administration of Theodore Roosevelt, the federal government...
I did not grow up with an innate love or loyalty to the state of Israel. My first memory of “Israel” as a nation stemmed from a political cartoon I found when I was perhaps six or seven years old....