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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

College Rankings Devalue Breadth of Knowledge, Ignore Human Element

Editorial Board September 12, 2014

The days are getting shorter and crisper, and right on schedule, a host of disillusioned columnists are beginning to attack this year’s quantification of the unquantifiable. On Tuesday, US News &...

Progressive Passions Define Archetypal Oberlin Student

CJ Blair, Contributing Writer September 12, 2014

During a college-visit odyssey throughout the Midwest during my junior year of high school, my family decided there was time to tour a school that wasn’t on our list: Oberlin College. My mom had thrown...

Paul Criticizes Obama Policy Without Offering Alternative

Machmud Makhmudov, Contributing Writer September 12, 2014

Summer wasn’t the only thing bringing the heat for the Obama administration this summer. The midterm elections — deeply implicated by the beginning of unofficial auditions for the 2016 GOP presidential...

U.S. Must Navigate Road Carefully in Palestine-Israel Compromise

Sarah Minion, Contributing Writer May 9, 2014

The past few weeks have demonstrated what seems to be just the latest episode in a history of failed negotiations. We thought this time was different; we thought we finally had leaders who were committed...

Campus Tobacco-Free Policy Protects, Expands Upon Individual Rights

Machmud Makhmudov, Columnist May 9, 2014

On April 27, Student Senate passed a resolution endorsing the adoption of a tobacco-free campus policy that includes provisions such as the exclusion of Tappan Square from the ban and allowing the use...

Syria Descends into Chaos

Sean Para, Columnist May 9, 2014

The Ukrainian crisis has dominated international relations in the last few months. In the Middle East, however, the Syrian civil war continues unabated. The conflict has already begun to destabilize the...

Response to “Complaints Over Solarity Naming Flat-Out Ridiculous” Column

Maxime Berclaz, Contributing Writer May 9, 2014

This article was written in response to Aidan Apel’s May 2 column in the Review. First off, to address what little content is presented in the piece: The column’s main claim, outside of general...

How to Flourish During Finals, and Other Clichés

Sophia Ottoni-Wilhelm and Sam White, Current and Incoming Opinions Editors May 9, 2014

It’s that time of the year again: The trees in Tappan Square are exploding with foliage, the daffodils are blooming and the bumblebees are having awkward, turbulent inflight orgies. Meanwhile, Oberlin...

Football Fan Looks Forward to Anderson Era

Peter Brubaker, Central Heating Plant May 9, 2014

To the Editor: I’m late writing this, as the column that is prompting me to write appeared in a February Oberlin Review. I felt some negativity in the article entitled “Football Ushers in New Era...

Review Article Misrepresents Trans* Policy

Emily Clarke May 9, 2014

To the Editor: I was interviewed for Kristopher Fraser’s article “Athletics Department Adopts New Trans* Policy,” in the May 2, 2014 issue. While I am happy that the Review took time to cover...

Thoughts on Toxicity

The Asian American Alliance May 9, 2014

To the Editor: When students of color on this campus express any sort of dissent that challenges mainstream social norms, including culture inherent to whiteness, they are systematically and violently...

Tom Reid and the Oberlin College Lanes

Johnnie Kallas, Oberlin Senior May 9, 2014

To the Editor: I have known Tom through various social relationships. He is my coach, boss, instructor and mentor. I share many interests with him, ranging from our love for baseball to a mutual admiration...

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