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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

What’s in a Name? The Toxicity Conversation

May 2, 2014

On April 25, College senior Jessica Lam posted this statement of concern: The first time I saw the small fliers advertising Solarity’s next event, I joked about modifying them with labels so the new...

White House Task Force on Sexual Assault Better Late than Never

Editorial Board May 2, 2014

Yale, Dartmouth, Florida State, Brown. It seems that almost every week, there is a new story about a college mismanaging reports of sexual assault on its campus. Amid anger and frustration with the lack...

Vote on Issue 11 in Upcoming Election

Scott Broadwell, Oberlin City Council President May 2, 2014

To the Editor: I encourage the voters of Lorain County to join me in support of Issue 11, the Transit Levy. Passage of Issue 11 will enable Lorain County Transit to reinstitute some of the bus routes...

A Response to the Sterling Scandal

Booker Peek, Emeritus Associate Professor, Africana Studies May 2, 2014

To the Editor: The U.S. Constitution that protects blacks and all other Americans also protects Mr. Donald Sterling, the billionaire basketball owner, giving him the right to think and say whatever...

Obies Should Vote in Support of Issue 22

Scott Broadwell, Oberlin City Council President May 2, 2014

To the Editor: I encourage the voters of Oberlin to join me on May 6 in support of Issue 22, the income tax levy. Issue 22 is a three-fifths of one percent income tax increase for 10 years for General...

Latest Game of Thrones Episode Perpetuates Rape Culture

Sophia Ottoni-Wilhelm, Opinions editor April 25, 2014

This past Sunday night I was doing what most college students do on Sunday nights: homework. Just kidding, I was speeding through my work to make time for Game of Thrones. It’s a show that has enraptured...

Oligarchy Fails as Prevalent International System of Government

Sean Para, Columnist April 25, 2014

The recent conflict between Russia and the United States over Ukraine has led to a massive authoritarian crackdown in Russia, where the last independent media outlets and sources of opposition to government...

Supporting Athletics a Home Run for All

Machmud Makhmudov, Columnist and Student Senate Liaison April 25, 2014

It’s not unusual for me to find myself sitting with a group of friends that includes talented musicians, accomplished thespians, passionate political activists and — as hard as it may be to imagine...

Justice in Higher Ed System Requires Re-evaluation of Equity

Sam White, Contributing Writer April 25, 2014

In a 6–2 decision on Tuesday, the United States Supreme Court upheld a Michigan constitutional amendment banning the use of affirmative action in public university admissions. This disheartening ruling...

Complex Financial Aid Situation Re- quires Honesty, Constructive Intent

Editorial Board April 25, 2014

On Sunday, April 13, students drafted a resolution, later endorsed by Student Senate, arguing that the College’s proposed financial aid policy amendment should be formally revoked and, furthermore, that...

There’s No Place Like Oberlin

Aidan Apel, Contributing Writer April 25, 2014

Campus is abuzz with discussion of return on investment, tuition increases, transparency and now, inter-departmental murder plots. What’s happening here? Oberlin students have plenty to complain about...

Response to Last Week’s Critical Birthright Op-Ed

Hannah Seidel April 25, 2014

To the Editor: Yonah London’s article inthe April 18 edition of the Review, “Birthright Leaves Young Jews Ill-Equipped to Engage in Difficult Conversations,” failed to take into consideration...

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