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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Kiss My Sass: Three’s Company

Sophia Ottoni-Wilhelm, Opinions editor April 20, 2014

The following is a submission from a real Oberlin student: Dear Sophie, My girlfriend is interested in having a threesome — so much so that she has placed it on her Oberlin bucket list. She considers...

Aid Policy Amendment Deserves Full Hearing

Machmud Makhmudov, Columnist and Student Senate Liaison April 20, 2014

The backlash over the discovery of Oberlin’s recent changes to the financial aid policy — which has subsequently been delayed for a year — has sparked a variety of activist responses on campus. From...

Netflix’s House of Cards Plays a Mean Game of Political Chess

Ruby Saha, Columnist April 20, 2014

Against my better judgment, I started watching House of Cards a few weeks ago. I can’t say I expected much, especially after my disappointment with Scandal: Kevin Spacey is not an actor I’ve ever been...

Birthright Leaves Young Jews Ill-Equipped to Engage in Difficult Conversations

Yonah London, Contributing Writer April 20, 2014

Polarized conversations about Israel are nothing new to me. Nevertheless, when hundreds of Jewish college students and recent college graduates return from Taglit-Birthright trips to Israel every year,...

Cold War Enemies Inject Ideology into Geopolitical Conflict

Sean Para, Columnist April 20, 2014

Recent events in Ukraine are truly unsettling. It is disturbing how quickly a political crisis can spiral out of control and lead to violence. Ukraine is being pulled in two directions: east and west....

Lack of Transparency Surrounding Changes to Aid Policy Unacceptable

Editorial Board April 20, 2014

Since students learned of the controversial financial aid policy change, tensions have been high. Within hours of their discovery, students were organizing demonstrations and circulating information. Obies...

Continuing the ROI Conversation

To the Editor: In Erik and Michele Andrews’ April 4 letter, “Response to Apel’s ROI Article” (The Oberlin Review, April 4, 2014), they spoke about the importance of Oberlin’s graduates preparing...

Staff Seeks Balance Between Free Speech and Community Standards in Online Comment Moderation

The Editorial Board April 13, 2014

Last week, an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times argued that Oberlin is turning into “[a symbol] of the widespread scourge of campus political correctness and the glorification of victimhood,” due to the...

MAAS Conference Highlights Importance of Participation

Lydia Smith, Contributing Writer April 5, 2014

Two weeks ago, I attended the 18th Biennial Midwest Asian-American Student Conference, which was hosted by Oberlin’s Asian-American Alliance. MAASC was the first conference I’ve attended that focuses...

Intra-Campus Discussions More Effective Face-to-Face than on Facebook

Nate Levinson, Sports Editor April 5, 2014

Part of what makes Oberlin a great place is that people are so willing to engage in dialogue about serious issues, but the forum this discussion takes place in has the power to detract from the opinions...

Syrian Crisis Fading From Public Eye

Ahmed El Meleegy, Contributing Writer April 5, 2014

Could it actually be that a conflict that is featured so much in the news and policy journals is growing increasingly irrelevant? As Syria shows, the answer is yes. It isn’t that the lives are...

Corrections to EDGE Fund Articles

Evan Tincknell April 5, 2014

To the Editor: My name is Evan Tincknell, and I have been a Green EDGE Fund board member for the past three years. The following is my own personal response and does not necessarily reflect the sentiment...

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