The phrase “income inequality” is the spittle on every pundit’s lip. Left-leaning pundits like to use this issue as a cudgel with which to beat Republicans, but fall far short of proposing policies...
Social constructs shape our lives in a profound and little-addressed way. Race, class, gender, the state — these are all constructions. They exist because we, as a society, live by their tenets and allow...
Before Christmas Beyoncé surprised the world with the release of a bitchin’ self-titled album featuring an array of popular artists: Drake, Frank Ocean, her husband Jay Z and Nigerian novelist Chimamanda...
There is a common refrain that murmurs its way through Oberlin at the beginning of every semester, one full of wild hope that is always dashed. It’s a hope that, somehow, this time, we’ve learned to...
As we come back to Oberlin for yet another lovely semester full of friendship, angst, vegans and hipsters, I would like to share with all of you a few reflections on the biggest political scandal of the...
To the Editor:
A graduate of Oberlin College, Ellen Johnson, joined the Art History faculty in 1939. During her tenure, Johnson brought important works of art and architecture to Oberlin College. When...
I’m excited to announce that Student Senate will be holding our spring election next week! A total of six seats will be open for competition, which represent 40 percent of the total body of 15 senators....
I decided to try something new during my last semester at Oberlin, and write a column for our lovely local paper, The Oberlin Review. I majored in Biology, so I will try to write about topics of interest...
Winter Term, as every Obie should know, is a unique and invaluable opportunity that knows very few bounds. Last year, as a freshman, I was fortunate to have the chance to travel outside the Western Hemisphere...
In his letter to the Review last week, Zachary Evans not only presented a multitude of factual inaccuracies and misleading, uncontextualized generalizations regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and...
Joshua Kogan, Contributing Writer
• December 13, 2013
It’s officially finals period in Oberlin. Students have tons of work to do and not much time to do it. Many people simply accept the fact that they’re going to be stressed out in college. Students...
Ever since the fake racial hate incidents last March, there have been protests against some perceived "injustice" on the part of Oberlin's administration. These protests have made a lot of noise, but there...