Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Cat in the Cream Fire Code Violation No Laughing Matter

Whitman Barrett September 28, 2012

Lexie Sharabianlou’s sardonic letter last week (“Fire Code Violations No Big Deal,” The Oberlin Review, Sept. 28, 2012) managed to both belittle the danger of violating safety regulations and advance...

Steve Shapiro On To Something, But Reagan Lectureship Has Misfired

Marc Blecher September 28, 2012

Thanks to Steve Shapiro, ’83, for his letter in last week’s Review opening discussion of the Ronald Reagan Lectureship, his one-man project designed to cure Oberlin’s political ills. As Marx...

Shapiro’s Speaker Series Funds Gold(en Mean) Diggers

Will Rubenstein, Staff Writer September 28, 2012

Last week’s Letter to the Editors from hedge fund manager and College Trustee Steven Shapiro, OC ’83, was illuminating for several reasons. From a dialectical standpoint, it’s valuable for public...

‘Documentary’ Sheds Disturbing Light on Racial Perceptions of Obama

The Editorial Board September 28, 2012

You didn’t watch Dreams From My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception so much as it washed over you in a wave of disbelief. A pseudo-documentary purporting to expose the “true origin of Obama’s...

Alumni Journalist Convocation Did Not Reflect Oberlin’s Values

Maggie Heraty, Ness Smith-Savedoff, and A.D. Hogan September 21, 2012

“Dissent is what founded this country, and dissent is what’s going to save us.” -Amy Goodman Last Thursday, four mainstream journalists, all alumni, joined President Krislov for the first Convocation...

Angry Mob at Art Rental Reveals Oberlin’s Ugly Side

The Editorial Board September 21, 2012

Art rental is one of the most treasured Oberlin traditions, not just for the opportunity it presents — priceless art spending a semester in your dorm or apartment — but for the event itself: renting...

Reagan Lectureship Series Promotes Free Speech, Challenges Assumptions and Bias

Steven Shapiro September 21, 2012

Last year, I repeatedly found myself presented on these pages as Oberlin’s equivalent of the Koch brothers. The cause was my support for the Oberlin College Republicans and Libertarians’ efforts to...

Students: Think Before You (Register to) Vote

Kevin G. Gilfether September 12, 2012

It seems as though it is easier than ever for an Oberlin College student to register to vote in Oberlin, due to the work of groups like OhioPIRG, Oberlin Young Voters, and the League of Women Voters. Similarly,...

Editorial: ObieTalk Useless If Obies Don’t Talk

The Editorial Board May 4, 2012

Well, ObieTalk is all over the place. Where it used to exist mostly online and in the gossip-filled first-year dorm rooms, the anonymous forum has now been featured on the Oberlin blogs, on the front page...

Disrespect, Disruption Important Acts of Dissent

Will Rubenstein, Opinions Editor April 27, 2012

By now the sequence of events seems to run like clockwork. Every now and then, one of those beige posters goes up bearing the face of Ronald Reagan and announcing a coming lecture by a political figure...

Chill Out to Good Vibes at Tappan Drum Circle

Ed Miller April 27, 2012

To the Editors: Drum circles are very therapeutic in many ways, especially when you’re stressed. Come join us on Wednesday, May 2, from 7–8:30 p.m. at the Clark Bandstand in Tappan Square. For a...

Phenology of Oberlin Springtime Reveals Changes for Wildlife, Graduates

Joshua Morse April 27, 2012

Phenology: the study of cyclic and seasonal natural phenomena, especially in relation to climate and plant and animal life Faced with carpenter bees and daffodils in March, I figured climate change...

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