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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

College Should Be Held Accountable for Unfair No Trespass List

Kevin Gilfether February 8, 2013

Oberlin College has a long- standing and proud history of enriching the educational experience for people in the Oberlin community at large. This rich history includes many College students tutoring and...

After Too Many Free Passes, Obama Must Answer for White Paper

The Editorial Board February 8, 2013

First, it was the financial disaster he inherited upon taking office. Then it was the impossibly obstinate three-ring circus known as the House of Representatives. Then it was his re-election campaign....

The Obama Presidency and America’s Future

Sean Para, Staff Writer February 8, 2013

Barack Obama’s legislative agenda for his second term is nothing less than ambitious. He aims to reform immigration, gun control, taxes and environmental policy during his new administration. These goals...

Oberlin’s Community Created by its Students

Recently, an article that appeared on titled “Oberlin Has a Nasty Anonymous Message Board Problem” (Dec. 5, 2012) sparked vibrant discussion in online alumni networks. Several of us...

An Open Letter to the Oberlin Community

We are writing to respond to Katie J. M. Baker’s December 5 posting “Oberlin Has a Nasty Anonymous Message Board Problem” on the widely read website Baker sought to point out the...

Zachary Evans Letter Wildly Inaccurate

Jonathan Sidney December 14, 2012

In College sophomore Zachary Evans’ recent letter to the Review (“Palestinians Have Most to Answer For in Conflict,” Dec. 2012) he writes: “In 2005, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon evacuated every...

Green EDGE Fund Not Mentioned In Article

Alex Deeter December 14, 2012

This letter is in response to the recent article about carbon-offsetting (“Trees Planted in Carbon Offset Initiative,” Nov. 30, 2012). The Green EDGE Fund was greatly involved in the carbon-offsetting...

Free Speech At Stake

Tim Hall December 14, 2012

Since the Ronald Reagan Political Lectureship Series began in 2005, it has not surprised me that comments offered by some of the speakers have been controversial. What is surprising is the extent to which...

Palestinians Have Most to Answer For In Conflict

Zachary Evans December 14, 2012

In his letter to the Review last week, College sophomore Asher Kaplan writes “…I will not stand idly by as my historically oppressed people becomes an oppressor.” It’s nice that he feels such...

A Call for Individualism and not Prohibition

Zachery Crowell December 7, 2012

As much as it pains me to agree with the Oberlin Republicans and Libertarians, we do have a free speech problem on this campus. I think the reaction to Obietalk’s resurfacing is a clear demonstration...

Networking – a New Year’s Gift to Yourself

Lorri Olan December 7, 2012

Networking is often perceived as a dirty word. Some feel uncomfortable “working a crowd” or think that “networking/making connections” is disingenuous when what you really want is a job. On the...

College Alcohol & Drug Policy

The Office of Student Wellness, the Office of Judicial Affairs and the Office of Residential Education and Dining Services partner to support the College’s mission to provide students with educational...

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