Thanks for bringing attention to issues associated with the large crowd that attended the Anis Mojgani performance at the Cat in the Cream Coffeehouse on Sept. 15. We take the occupancy limit seriously,...
The Oberlin Republicans and Libertarians, with support from Steve Shapiro, have been broadening the political debate on campus for years. I have been in the club since 2009, and in that time, the club...
On the night of the first scheduled presidential debate, Obama opened by addressing Michelle with something like a joke. “And so I just want to wish, Sweetie, you happy anniversary and let you know that...
The always-divisive Ronald Reagan Political Lectureship Series began anew on Thursday, kicking off its 2012–2013 calendar with a talk by political commentator Bill Whittle advertised as “What We Believe:...
It’s your old neighbor the College Lanes here. How are you all? I haven’t seen some of you in a while, and others I see quite often, which is such a pleasure. For those of you who haven’t stopped...
Sean Para, Contributing Writer
• September 28, 2012
Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney has often asked, “are you better off than you were four years ago?” during the past few months, in an echo of Ronald Reagan’s famous 1980 slogan. Romney...
Lexie Sharabianlou’s sardonic letter last week (“Fire Code Violations No Big Deal,” The Oberlin Review, Sept. 28, 2012) managed to both belittle the danger of violating safety regulations and advance...
Thanks to Steve Shapiro, ’83, for his letter in last week’s Review opening discussion of the Ronald Reagan Lectureship, his one-man project designed to cure Oberlin’s political ills. As Marx...
Last week’s Letter to the Editors from hedge fund manager and College Trustee Steven Shapiro, OC ’83, was illuminating for several reasons. From a dialectical standpoint, it’s valuable for public...
You didn’t watch Dreams From My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception so much as it washed over you in a wave of disbelief. A pseudo-documentary purporting to expose the “true origin of Obama’s...
“Dissent is what founded this country, and dissent is what’s going to save us.” -Amy Goodman
Last Thursday, four mainstream journalists, all alumni, joined President Krislov for the first Convocation...
Art rental is one of the most treasured Oberlin traditions, not just for the opportunity it presents — priceless art spending a semester in your dorm or apartment — but for the event itself: renting...