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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

OCRL Letters Undercut Call for Dialogue

Marc Blecher November 9, 2012

Review readers are surely tiring of weekly exchanges between the Oberlin College Republicans and Libertarians and me, so I’ll keep this short. College Junior Daniel Starer-Stor claims that I only...

Romney Voters Shouldn’t Feel Shamed, Pressured By Fellow Students

Elizabeth Bentivegna, Contributing Writer November 9, 2012

I am not a monster. I am not a selfish bigot, or an enemy of the poor, or a narrow-minded idiot. I am not a racist or a sexist and I am not against queer people. I am not an evil human being. But for...

The Time For a More Inclusive Economy

Zachery Crowell November 9, 2012

The jubilation of Obama supporters and the shellshock of Romney supporters have finally subsided. However, there are a few election lessons for my fellow Democrats to consider before we totally forget...

Election Results Should Be Wake-up Call to GOP

The Editorial Board November 9, 2012

If ever there was a vulnerable incumbent, Barack Obama would seem to fit the bill. With unemployment hovering around eight percent and a still-lagging economy, the GOP was handed a golden opportunity to...

IYS Kentucky Article Misrepresented Organization

Last week’s issue of The Oberlin Review thoroughly misrepresented the IYS Kentucky Fall Break trip and the Immerse Yourself in Service organization as a whole (“IYS KY Trip Challenges, Educates Volunteers,”...

What Now? Reflections on Obama’s Victory

Sean Para, Columnist November 9, 2012

In case you haven’t heard, Barack Obama was reelected President of the United States on November 6. Along with slight gains in the House of Representatives and Senate, this represents a significant achievement...

SFC Responds to Survey Feedback

Student Finance Committee November 9, 2012

Several weeks ago, the Student Finance Committee emailed a survey to the student body to gauge opinions on several issues relevant to our work. We appreciate the time you took to provide us with constructive...

Reject Big Banks in Favor of Local Credit Unions

Rose Stoloff November 9, 2012

Dear Big Bank, This isn’t working. It’s not me; it’s you. Big banks are evil. In 2010, JP Morgan Chase invested one billion dollars in Massey Energy, the leader in mountaintop removal coal mining....

Political Speech Not Identical to Electoral Partisanship

A.D. Hogan November 9, 2012

In a letter to the Review, College junior Daniel Starer-Stor asked, “Would Oberlin have been able to host such speakers as Joey Mogul and Andrea Ritchie for their Oct. 10 talk titled ‘Fighting Queer...

Stevie Food Belongs in Bellies, Not on Display

Kara Kralik September 28, 2012

The other day my friend and I were at Stevie and wanted to get some fruit to take home. There were no apples available in the large fruit containers in the main room. There were only oranges and bananas,...

Fire Code Violation Not That Big A Deal

Lexie Sharabianlou September 28, 2012

I would like to congratulate one of your numbers for her courage in publicizing a heinous violation of Oberlin law. Alice McAdams had the gumption to draw attention to the appallingly overcrowded Cat in...

The Game Is Changing: Can Obama Handle The New Middle East?

Sarp Yavuz, Arts Editor September 28, 2012

Whether or not Obama wins the election, the U.S. needs to readdress its approach to the Middle East if it is to maintain regain its watchdog status. The United States’ expansionist policies seem to have...

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