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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

One-Way Views of Town-Gown Relationship Will Never Resolve Issues of Inequality

Will Rubenstein, Contributing Writer February 22, 2013

The One Town Campaign’s community forum at the Oberlin Public Library on Feb. 13 was ostensibly a discussion of the so-called No Trespass list, an opaque and capricious College policy that bars certain...

Column on Church Rife With False Dichotomies

David Leach February 22, 2013

While Sean Para’s Op-ed piece “Pope’s Resignation May Lead to Reform for Aging Institution” [Oberlin Review, Feb. 15, 2013] raises important critiques of the conservatism and corruption within...

Action Needs To Be Taken On Hate Speech & Related Incidents

Johnny Spinkston February 22, 2013

I am a first-year. My preferred gender pronouns are he, him and his. I’m a black man, but, equally important, I’m an Obie. I know you are aware of the numerous attacks that have been targeted specifically...

Oberlin Not Incompatible With Business World

The Oberlin Business Scholars February 15, 2013

Over Winter Term, Oberlin hosted a reception at the Yale Club in New York City to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Oberlin Business Scholars program. Though this may be changing, a prevalent notion...

Drone Strikes No Simple Matter

Taiyo Scanlon-Kimura February 15, 2013

President Obama certainly made errors during his first term as President of the United States. I also agree that many of his errors stemmed from a lack of commitment to one political direction. With this...

Hateful Speech Not ‘Isolated Incident’

We are the Edmonia Lewis Center for Women and Transgender People, and we are writing to condemn the recent trend of hateful speech attacking marginalized communities on campus. We are acting in solidarity...

Vice President for Finance and Administration Requires Consideration

Thank you for hosting an open listening session regarding the search for a new Vice President of Finance and Administration this past Monday, Feb. 11. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to have our...

Dubya Exposed, in More Ways Than One

The Editorial Board February 15, 2013

Last week, the public got a sneak peak at the products of George W. Bush’s post-presidency hobby: his self-portraits. A hacker, who goes by the alias Guccifer, broke into the e-mail accounts of multiple...

Pope’s Resignation May Lead to Reform for Aging Institution

Sean Para, Columnist February 15, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI resigned from the See of Rome last Monday. This is an extraordinary event; the last time a pope resigned was during the 15th-century Council of Constance. Three rivals claimed the papal...

No Trespass List Artificially Separates Town and College

Bobby Stevens, Contributing Writer February 15, 2013

On Sunday, Jan. 20, Finney Chapel hosted an event in celebration of the life and inspiring work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The event was called “Voices of a Movement.” Attended by College and community...

MRC Responds to Hate Speech on Campus

The Multicultural Resource Center February 15, 2013

This morning, the Multicultural Resource Center was attacked by a hate note labeling us as the “N-gger + F-ggot Center.” This act is connected to the hate speech found on many posters around campus...

Obie-Penned Novel Grapples With Timeless Issues

Diane Katzenberg Braun February 8, 2013

Not so many years ago, a call went out from The Oberlin Review for sightings of books that featured Oberlin, this being, I suppose, a rarity and/or novelty at the time. Various people wrote in quoting...

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