At this election, those of you who vote in Oberlin will have the opportunity to reelect an outstanding City Council member. I write of Ray English, Azariah Smith Root director of libraries emeritus, who...
This article has been edited for length and clarity.
Kate Gale, College third-year:
I do. Because I think it is kind of — the first word that popped up in my head was it’s my duty. I like to know...
A healthy democratic body depends on breathing fresh air. I am writing this letter in support of the new currents vying to fill the lungs of Oberlin City Council. I write in support of the candidacies...
In spring of this year, I went on a trip to Crocker Park sponsored by the Oberlin Program Board. When I got there, I remember being struck with a feeling of eeriness. Here was a dense urban space, but...
I grew up in a household where The New York Times was read every Sunday and family dinners mostly consisted of conversations on the mayoral race, recent worldwide injustices, or an interesting op-ed. Having...
Oberlin is among the large percentage of elite private colleges and universities that practice legacy admissions: giving special admission preference to the children and relatives of alumni. Until the...
This year, College students saw a long-anticipated improvement to the walking patterns of Oberlin through the addition of a crosswalk in between the Science Center and Wilder Hall. Where once there were...
David Laczko, Letters to Editors
• October 6, 2023
In a trenchant critique of EDL’s Application for Site Plan Approval, City of Oberlin Fire Chief Robert Hanmer stated, “We will likely classify this type of occupancy as a HIGH-Hazard Group H-2 because...
Oberlin is not known for its loud and proud school spirit, but Homecoming and Reunion Weekend seems to have brought it out of us regardless. Former students from over fifty years of classes have been roaming...
Oberlin College alumni 50 years apart answer the question, “How do you think Oberlin has changed since you graduated?
These interviews have been edited for length and clarity.
Ian Kelly, OC ’17,...
Around a month ago, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression released their 2024 College Free Speech Rankings. Students were surveyed through a mobile app/web portal about their “experiences...