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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Stevenson Dining Hall is a central location for students to eat meals and socialize.

Stevenson Dining Hall Important to Oberlin Social Life

Catherine Saccone December 9, 2022

Oberlin is a school full of kind and wonderful people. I still wave at a girl who walked me home from class two semesters ago and at a guy whose necklace I complimented over a year ago. There are even...

Contract grading guarantees students the safety of a B grade, with higher grades given according to the professor’s standards of good work.

Contract Grading Detrimental to Oberlin Academics, Student Success

Zachary Stout December 9, 2022

Contract grading is a set of grading policies that some classes and professors at Oberlin use: if a student meets a minimum set of requirements, they will automatically earn a B+ or similar grade. Despite...

Comic: Batten Down The Hatches

Comic: Batten Down The Hatches

Holly Yelton, Illustrator December 9, 2022

Academia Must Adjust to Post-Pandemic Landscape

Editorial Board December 2, 2022

In April of this year, The New York Times published an article on the rise of the “chronically absent student” post-COVID-19, reporting on a crisis of education occurring in American public high schools....

Gibson’s Trial Should Not Harm Alumni Willingness to Give

Richard Lempert December 2, 2022

In response to "Open Letter to President Ambar Regrarding Gibsons' Suit," The Oberlin Review,  Nov. 18, 2022 Dear Mr. Krass, I read your open letter to President Carmen Twillie Ambar in the Review,...

Oberlin Title IX Unable to Provide Adequate Support to Students

Jackie Brick and Emily Amenda December 2, 2022

Many of us have heard the horrific statistic that one in five women on college campuses has been sexually assaulted. While many claim this number is inflated, it has since been corroborated by The National...

College Students Lack Formal Music Opportunities

Sahil Novetzke, Columnist December 2, 2022

Since the Conservatory’s integration into the College in the mid-1800s, music has been an integral part of Oberlin. Students come from all over the world to engage in a liberal arts education and dabble...

Opinions Editors (finally) Decide Everything: Finals!

Elle Giannandrea and Emily Vaughan December 2, 2022

Welcome to Opinions Editors Decide Everything. There are lots of things in this world, and as Opinions Editors, we have opinions on them. Without further ado, we proudly present the answers to all of your...

Right-Wing Rhetoric Harms LGBTQ+ Community

Neva Tayler, Columnist December 2, 2022

On Saturday, Nov. 19, five people were murdered and 13 injured in a shooting at a Colorado Springs LGBTQ+ nightclub. Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, has been identified as the shooter by officials and is currently...

Comic: Jingle Bell Stop!

Comic: Jingle Bell Stop!

Holly Yelton, Illustrator December 2, 2022

Trump’s Campaign Rhetoric As Scary as Potential Victory

Editorial Board November 18, 2022

With former President of the United States Donald Trump’s recent announcement of a 2024 run, the bulk of the attention paid to his campaign will be on the very real possibility of a Trump win in 2024....

Open Letter to President Ambar Regarding Gibsons’ Suit

Marc S. Krass November 18, 2022

Editors’ Note: This letter is an edited version of the copy initially sent to President Carmen Twillie Ambar on Oct. 12. Dear President Ambar: I am writing about what I see as the “canary in the...

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