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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Budget Cuts to Libraries Limit Crucial Academic Resources

Henry Larson, Columnist November 18, 2022

For about three months now, I’ve been working in the periodicals department of the Mary Church Terrell Main Library, a job which involves checking in and sending out or shelving periodicals for all four...

Navigating Course Registration Frustrating, Competitive

Kayla Kim, Managing Editor November 18, 2022

During my aimless scrolling sessions on TikTok, I’ve seen humorous videos of students at large schools such as Louisiana State University frantically preparing for course registration with a computer,...

Tracking Applications Offer Users False, Unhealthy Sense of Control

Elle Giannandrea, Opinions Editor November 18, 2022

Last week, the Review ran a story about a new app being deployed by the Counseling Center to check in with and keep track of the mental well-being of students. The structure of this check-in, as reported...

Winter. It Happens. Deal With It.

Emily Vaughan, Opinions Editor November 18, 2022

Well, here we are again, staring down another cold Ohio winter. As the ground frosts over and the first flurries fill the air, it’s time that we all acknowledge something many have long known to be true:...

Turkey Gives Thanks

Turkey Gives Thanks

Holly Yelton, Illustrator November 18, 2022

“Commitment Scholarship” Places Financial Burden On Upperclassmen

Editorial Board November 11, 2022

This school year marks the first time that Oberlin College has a sticker price — tuition, housing, meal plan, and other fees, before any financial aid is applied — of over $80,000. Tuition is the largest...

Oberlin Should Offer Broader Range of Regional Food

Sahil Novetzke, Columnist November 11, 2022

One of the things I’m missing most about home, besides my family and friends, is my mother’s food. My mother’s food has always been important to me for a number of reasons. For one, she’s the most...

Seizure of Z-Library Domain Detrimental to Student Access to Educational Materials

Oliver Niehaus November 11, 2022

On Friday, Nov. 4, the Department of Justice and the FBI seized the domain of the e-book site Z-Library. The site claimed to have over 10 million e-books, academic texts, general interest fiction, and...

Focus on Oberlin’s Lack of Recycling Detracts from Larger Issues

Neva Tayler, Columnist November 11, 2022

With many sustainability projects on campus, and a committed goal of carbon neutrality by 2025, Oberlin College is known for being a green school. Oberlin has been recognized nationally for its environmental...

Courses on Africa are Embarrassingly Limited in Oberlin’s Offerings

Chemutai Ruto and Kambura Kinoti November 11, 2022

Historically and presently, the international community has done its best to exclude Sub-Saharan Africa from the global conversation. The lack of substantial representation of the African continent in...

College Should be Held Accountable to Divestment Promises

Karthik Ranganadhan, News Editor November 11, 2022

The October resolution of the Board of Trustees to completely divest from fossil fuel investments is undoubtedly a monumental win. The decision highlights the efforts of student and alumni activist groups...

Peggy Koye looks up from her books as Mary Laub performs the chore of signing out at Webster’s bell desk for the evening.

Oberlin’s History Not As Gender-Inclusive as You Might Think

Lucy Parker November 11, 2022

This year, Homecoming coincided with Oberlin College’s reunion for the classes of 1961, ’62, and ’63. I initially went to the Homecoming football game to say I had gone, but I ended up staying a...

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