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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Oberlin Must Be Sure to Take Care of Neighbors, Workers

Booker C. Peek, Professor Emeritus of Africana Studies March 6, 2020

 Most of us agree that Oberlin College must pay all its workers a living wage. But perhaps not all support this view. There is no universally agreed-upon definition for what amount of dollars represents...

A Love Letter to the Rapid Response Team

A Love Letter to the Rapid Response Team

Ananya Gupta, Managing Editor March 6, 2020

Pro-UAW Activism Shows Best of Obies

Editorial Board February 28, 2020

 With only one day’s notice after President Carmen Twillie Ambar announced the College’s plan to formally consider outsourcing 108 United Automobile Workers jobs, over 600 students and other community...

In Congressional Race, Let the Boys Fight; A Woman Will Prevail

Ilana Foggle, Columnist February 28, 2020

 For the past year and a half, we have seen constant coverage of one primary and one primary only: the Democratic presidential primary. At this point, many Oberlin students and community members have...

Join OCSA in Coronavirus Support

Yan Jin and Rena Wang February 28, 2020

 Editor’s Note: All interviews in this article were conducted in Chinese and have been translated into English by the writers.  Responding to the outbreak and spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus,...

Beethoven’s Dead — Can We Move on Now?

Clayton Luckadoo, Contributing Writer February 28, 2020

 With Beethoven’s 250th birthday coming up, there are innumerable plans to celebrate the prolific composer worldwide. Among other activities, Oberlin Conservatory students will perform the legend’s...

An Open Letter to Students

Susan L. Phillips, OC ’76 February 28, 2020

 It’s with sincere and profound sorrow that I want you to know that the Susan Phillips Social Justice Scholarship Fund spring interviews have been suspended indefinitely. I know that this will disappoint...

Students Call for Open Dialogue Regarding UAW

Jess Wilber, College third-year, Jemma Johnson Shoucair, College second-year February 28, 2020

 As students of the Oberlin community, we are writing to call on our fellow students and faculty members in an appeal to President Carmen Twillie Ambar. It is time to launch an open dialogue with the...

Administration Abandoning Oberlin’s Core

 Institutions of higher education in the United States are facing significant challenges after decades of soaring tuition costs and a population that is increasingly skeptical of the value of a liberal...

Oberlin’s Future Hinges on Razor-Thin Decisions

Booker C. Peek, Associate Professor Emeritus of Africana Studies February 28, 2020

 College financially following the administration’s announcement of proposed outsourcing. But we should continue to support Oberlin financially — perhaps even more generously than in previous years...

Affirmative Alumni Engagement Vital in UAW Discussions

Paula J. Gordon, OC ’68 February 28, 2020

 Editor’s Note: This letter was previously posted on an online forum for Class of 1968 announcements.  I support Oberlin College, including financially, as it wrestles with economic realities in...

Outsourcing Proposal Creates Unfair Burden; Cuts Must Come From Elsewhere

Editorial Board February 21, 2020

 After reading Tuesday afternoon’s announcement from President Carmen Twillie Ambar and engaging in conversation with many campus stakeholders, we firmly oppose the College’s proposal to contract...

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