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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Alumni Call for OSCA Survey Dissemination

 As alumni working in the sciences, we are concerned over Oberlin College’s recent withdrawal from a collaborative research project designed by College third-year Bhairavi Mehra and Paul Sears Distinguished...

Art Rental Program Has Students’ Best Interest At Heart

Andria Derstine, John G. W. Cowles Director Allen Memorial Art Museum February 21, 2020

 The Art Rental program at the Allen Memorial Art Museum has, for the past 80 years, been an important aspect of the AMAM’s offerings and a cherished tradition. Hence, it was with great interest that...

NEDA Week Reminds Students to Be Mindful

Rachel Choi, Contributing Writer February 21, 2020

 Editor’s note: This piece contains mention of eating disorders and associated behaviors. Many who experience eating disorders suffer in silence. Eating disorders can lead to feelings of unworthiness,...

Let’s Talk Accessibility

Zoë Luh, Contributing Writer February 21, 2020

 Accessibility: one of Oberlin’s favorite words. You don’t even need to spend a full day on campus to hear faculty and students, alike, use the word in classrooms, dining halls, co-ops, and at events....

Ohio Trans Health Care Policy Will Harm Trans Youth

Abigail Kopp, Contributing Writer February 21, 2020

 Republican representatives Ron Hood of Asheville and Bill Dean of Xenia introduced the so-called “Protect Vulnerable Children Act” to the Ohio Statehouse on Feb. 11. While the name has positive connotations...

Living Wage and Health Care for UAW Workers Proves Urgent

Booker C. Peek, Emeritus Associate Professor of Africana Studies February 21, 2020

 President Carmen Twillie Ambar, Oberlin College’s first Black president and just the second female president, shared with us all an impressively argued, 900-word announcement titled “Dining and Custodial...

Oberlin Community Should Appreciate Ambar’s Honesty

Jeff Witmer, Professor of Mathematics February 21, 2020

Last week, my son lost his job — through no fault of his own. New management told several workers that the company couldn't afford to keep them. So after three weeks’ notice, my son is now applying...

Oberlin Has Pursued Policy of Hostility Towards Workers

Jeanne Morefield, OC ’91 February 21, 2020

I am an academic in the United Kingdom, and next week, my colleagues in the University and College Union and I — at 74 universities across the country — are striking for better working conditions....

College’s OSCA Stance Inconsistent With One Oberlin Recommendations

Editorial Board February 14, 2020

 When the Steering Committee of the Academic and Administrative Program Review released its final One Oberlin report in May 2019, a number of its recommendations concerned changes to the College’s relationship...

Conservatory Should Revamp Recital Booking System

Amber Scherer and Cordelia Mutter February 14, 2020

 Amber (she/her) and Cordelia (she/her) are members of the Oberlin Conservatory Council of Students, serving as vice president and president, respectively. Early Monday morning, something odd occurred...

Art Rental Needs to Address Accessibility Concerns

Devyn Malouf and Katie Lucey February 14, 2020

 In light of the recent changes to Fourth Meal, many students are hoping to preserve the few remaining campuswide traditions at Oberlin. Art Rental, which is completely student-run, is arguably one of...

Trump’s Strike Against Iranian General Has Proven Ineffective

Leo Hochberg, Columnist February 14, 2020

 You’ve doubtlessly heard that on Jan. 3, President Trump ordered an execution strike, killing Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, along with Iranian politician and commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis and...

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