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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

“Solarity” Failed Students By Refusing to Provide Condoms

Taylor Andrews, Contributing Writer December 13, 2019

 This weekend, I was extremely disappointed that I was not allowed to provide condoms at Solarity. As a Sexual Information Center student staffer, I aim to increase access to safer sex supplies for Oberlin’s...

Following Quillen’s Appointment, College Must Pursue Similar Stability

Editorial Board December 13, 2019

 At this crucial moment in Oberlin’s history, we need a seasoned captain at the helm of the ship. Particularly, at a time when significant changes are being instituted to improve the functioning of...

Now Empty, Crane Pool Symbolizes Oberlin’s Progressive History

Now Empty, Crane Pool Symbolizes Oberlin’s Progressive History

Carson Li and Max Finkelpearl December 13, 2019

 In the May 10, 2019 issue of The Oberlin Review, one might have noticed an unusual entry in the Security Notebook: “The south double doors to the vacant Crane pool area were ajar, and the master lock...

SB 162 Must Be Passed Urgently

Alice Koeninger, Arts Senior Staff Writer December 13, 2019

 Editor’s note: This article contains mention of rape and sexual assault. The Ohio State Senate began hearings on Senate Bill 162, which would eliminate the statute of limitations on rape, attempted...

Legislature Must Consider HB 6

Scott Medwid, Oberlin Resident December 13, 2019

 I am writing in response to last week’s article “House Bill 6 Poses Serious Environmental, Health Risks” (The Oberlin Review, Dec. 6, 2019). I was involved in the multi-year campaign to keep...

Hong Kong Protesters Hold Tight to ‘One Country, Two Systems’

Leo Hochberg, Columnist December 13, 2019

 The youngest generation of Hong Kong’s citizens has never seen anything like the summer and fall of 2019. Protests that broke out in March of this year in response to a controversial criminal extradition...

Repeated Staffing Shortages Reveal Concerning Pattern

Editorial Board December 6, 2019

 First, it was the Office of Disability Resources in fall 2017. Then, it was the Multicultural Resource Center in fall 2018. Now, the Counseling Center becomes the third office in as many autumns to face...

Statute of Limitations Harms Victims, Should Be Repealed

Jackie Brant, Opinions Editor December 6, 2019

 Democrats in the Ohio General Assembly have recently introduced a bill to the state legislature that would abolish the statute of limitations for sex crimes in the state. This same bill would also eliminate...

OSCA Effectively Prepares Students for Post-Grad Life, Supports College’s Mission

L. Lee Butler, OC ’06 December 6, 2019

 I am a 2006 Oberlin graduate and an alumnus member of Kosher Halal Co-op — formerly a part of the Oberlin Student Cooperative Association. I also served as the archivist and librarian for OSCA during...

Michigan Gerrymandering Victory Provides Hope for Battles in Ohio, Elsewhere

Leo Lasdun, Production Staff Member December 6, 2019

 Last week, in a woefully underreported turn of events, a grassroots voter organization in Michigan earned a critical district court victory in the fight for fair redistricting laws. The organization,...

Land Mines Remain a Global Security Issue, Must Be Addressed

Leo Hochberg, Columnist December 6, 2019

 In the canon of weaponry often involved in crimes against humanity, what comes to mind for most people is a realm of technology including biological weapons, chemical gas, and drones. However, in recent...

House Bill 6 Poses Serious Environmental, Health Risks

Klara Jacobs, Contributing Writer December 6, 2019

 The debate over Ohio House Bill 6 — which outlines a seven-year program that will subsidize Ohio’s two major nuclear power plants — has implications far beyond what one may presume. Effective as...

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