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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

“On Second Thought” Promotes Audacity of Innovation

Editorial Board November 22, 2019

 The audacity of innovation. In the words of Assistant Professor of History and Comparative American Studies Tamika Nunley, this simple yet powerful concept is the driving force behind On Second Thought,...

Outward-Facing Philosophy Deeply Rooted in Oberlin’s History

Nathan Carpenter, Editor-in-Chief November 22, 2019

 Editor’s note: This column is part of a series that will focus on Oberlin’s history as a town and an institution. The series will be published regularly throughout the fall semester. When then-First...

Ethnic Cleansing Threatens Uighurs

Leo Hochberg, Columnist November 22, 2019

 In mid-November, The New York Times released a trove of leaked Chinese Communist Party files detailing a massive government crackdown in the northwestern Chinese state of Xinjiang. The leaked pages make...

Warren’s Medicare for All Transition Plan Reveals Lack of Commitment

Christo Hays, Production Staff November 22, 2019

 Policy and tactical differences matter in the health care debate.  Despite spending over $10,000 per capita on health care — more than any other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development...

Senate Updates on Committee Progress

Patrick Powers, Contributing Writer November 22, 2019

As part of Student Senate’s mission to inform the Oberlin student body about the work going on throughout Oberlin’s various administrative governance structures, we’d like to offer a snapshot of...

Reflecting On David Gibson’s Passing

Booker C. Peek, Professor Emeritus of Africana Studies November 22, 2019

 David Gibson, co-owner of Gibson’s Bakery, succumbed to pancreatic cancer last Saturday; he leaves behind a grieving and loving family of a wife, two children, and “Grandpa Gibson,” who is approaching...

Mathisson’s Course Registration Criticisms Lack Appreciation for Liberal Arts Education Benefits

Kushagra Kar, Editor-in-Chief November 15, 2019

 I am both a first-year and an international student, which means that I am constantly wondering about the value of my Oberlin education. The value to my personal development, academic goals, co-curricular...

Ohio Remains a Swing State

Editorial Board November 15, 2019

 This weekend marks exactly four months before the Democratic presidential primary election in Ohio. The fate of the 2020 presidential election hinges partly on the outcome of swing states, such as Ohio,...

Ohio Legislature Gun Control Debate Reveals Poor Priorities

Jackie Brant, Opinions Editor November 15, 2019

 Just over three months ago, a mass shooting at Ned Peppers — a local bar in Dayton, OH — left 27 injured, 17 from gunshot wounds. Ultimately, nine people died as a result of the shooting on Aug....

What Can We Do About Foreign ISIL Fighters?

Leo Hochberg, Columnist November 15, 2019

 After eight years of bloody conflict in Syria, numerous brutal and horrific urban battles, and the slaughter of thousands of members of Iraq and Syria’s religious and ethnic minorities, the infamously...

Oberlin, Gibson’s Should Forgive and Forget

Booker C. Peek, Professor Emeritus of Africana Studies November 15, 2019

 Legally, there will be one winner and one loser in the lawsuit filed by Gibson’s Bakery against Oberlin College. But on all other levels — reputation, emotional, historical — Gibson’s, the College,...

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