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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Students Should Support Neighbors Through Programs Like OCS

Editorial Board February 15, 2019

America today is defined by skyrocketing economic inequality, broken social welfare systems, and politicians who seem apathetic about both. The political and social institutions that are supposed to ensure...

Scuba Diving Can Help People Deal with Physical, Mental Challenges

Ananya Gupta, Managing Editor February 15, 2019

I must be the only 20-year-old who, when presented with the opportunity to travel to Goa, the party state of India, decided to spend it all several meters under water. Under the tutelage of the Professional...

People Should Treat Every Day Like It’s Valentine’s Day

Maddi Kimball, Contributing Writer February 15, 2019

This year, I swore I wouldn’t do anything for Valentine’s Day. Not because I am anti-Valentine’s Day, or because Cupid skipped over me this year, but because I find myself wondering what the point...

Students Should Recognize Ohioans as Neighbors, Not Just Voters

Elmo Tumbokon, Contributing Writer February 15, 2019

Dolores Huerta, a co-founder of the United Farm Workers and organizer of the Delano Grape Strikes, reminded a crying audience the day after the 2016 election, “This will not be the first time your country...

Oberlin Should Be Proud of Main Library Naming

Alexia Hudson-Ward, Azariah Smith Root Director of Libraries February 8, 2019

To the Editors: Mary Church Terrell (OC ’1884, MA 1888, HON 1948) was one of the first black women to earn a four year degree in the United States. Typifying how “one person can change the world,”...

Sophomores Find Mostly Positive Support System in SOAR

Christo Hays and February 8, 2019

One of the first things students attending the Sophomore Opportunities and Academic Resources retreat were asked to do was close their eyes and imagine their future. When you wake up in the morning a decade...

Women’s Rights Discussions Should Not Focus on Abortion

Jackie Brant, Opinions Editor February 8, 2019

At the State of the Union address Tuesday, President Donald Trump asserted a harsh anti-abortion stance. This comes after several weeks without mention of abortion policies from the Trump administration;...

A Wandering Jew Goes to Washington

Justin Pelofsky, Contributing Writer February 8, 2019

It all began rather inconspicuously. In fact, at the height of the holiday season, the way it was announced seemed almost like a gift. It was as if the stubbornness of President Trump squeezed its way...

Students Must Vote in Upcoming Senate Elections

Cecilia Wallace, Contributing Writer February 8, 2019

This article is part of the Review’s Student Senate column. In an effort to increase communication and transparency, student senators will provide personal perspectives on recent events on campus and...

Higher Education Shifts Spell Trouble for Small Liberal Arts Colleges

Editorial Board February 8, 2019

Editor's note: The original version of this editorial incorrectly stated that Antioch College would likely close if it could not merge with another institution. In fact, Hampshire College, not Antioch,...

Editorial Cartoon

Editorial Cartoon

Hannah Sandoz December 7, 2018

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