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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Oberlin Community Should Push for Drug Harm Reduction Policies

Rachel Clark, Contributing Writer March 8, 2019

As a progressive institution, Oberlin is uniquely poised to stand at the forefront of a new generation of harm reduction policies for drug usage. Overdose rates are up, current policy is failing, and it’s...

Embracing Rejection Fundamental to Healing Campus Culture

Katie Lucey, News Editor March 8, 2019

I recently listened to a podcast about a man who, upon determining that his personal and professional ambitions had stagnated, decided to seek out rejection for 100 consecutive days. During the experiment,...

Students Should Have High Hopes for New Senate

Abby Kopp, Contributing Writer March 8, 2019

Coming back from studying abroad last semester, I felt invigorated — I was ready to help improve campus and the Oberlin student experience. This feeling has been heightened by the recent election of...

Overcommitting Results in Chronic Undercommitting

Josh Ashkinaze, Contributing Writer March 8, 2019

The downside of a full Google Calendar is a partial commitment to everything on it. Paradoxically, overcommitting usually entails undercommitting to each thing you do. An overcommitted person simply does...

Students Should Rally in Support of Tom Reid

In his 42 years as a student or staff member at Oberlin, former associate director of the Student Union Tom Reid, OC ’80, touched the lives of thousands of students and community members through his...

Liberal Arts Education Still Has Plenty To Offer Students

Donn Ginoza, OC ’74, Member, Alumni Leadership Council March 1, 2019

If you are an administrator at a liberal arts college, the news is mostly ominous and foreboding. Colleges that are highly dependent on tuition revenue and possess small endowments are reducing their faculty...

Community Engagement Should Be Academic Priority

Editorial Board March 1, 2019

The City of Oberlin and Oberlin College have always been very closely connected, as can be expected of the relationship between a small liberal arts college and the small, rural community it shares a backyard...

Student Senate Welcomes Seven New Senators

Serena Zets, Contributing Writer March 1, 2019

This article is part of the Review’s Student Senate column. In an effort to increase communication and transparency, student senators will provide personal perspectives on recent events on campus and...

Administration Must Justify Reductions to Language TAs

Shogo Ishikawa, Contributing Writer March 1, 2019

As reported in the Review last week, the French and Arabic departments are undergoing budget cuts, resulting in decisions that will potentially affect the overall quality of language education and the...

Chronic Campus Theft Problem Has Yet To Be Addressed

Jack Derwin, Contributing Writer March 1, 2019

During my three years at Oberlin, there has been a steady stream of theft on campus. The crimes often occur at the same times and in the same locations year after year. Despite the obvious patterns, however,...

Student members of Oberlin’s new chapter of the Sunrise Movement gather at Senator Sherrod Brown’s office to demand he support the Green New Deal.

We Can — And Must — Implement Green New Deal

Dan Kennedy, Contributing Writer March 1, 2019

Days after Democrats won a majority in the House of Representatives in last year’s midterm elections, 150 young activists from the environmental activist group Sunrise Movement staged a massive sit-in...

Club Sports Deserve More Recognition, Institutional Support

Editorial Board February 22, 2019

One of the most exciting moments in Oberlin athletics last year was when both of the College’s ultimate Frisbee teams, the Flying Horsecows and the Preying Manti, qualified for the national Frisbee tournament....

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