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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

College junior, football player, and sportswriter Jason Hewitt believes he can offer a unique perspective as a journalist of color. Last spring he had the opportunity to interview Jimmy King, a member of the University of Michigan’s Fab Five.

From the Perspective of a Black Journalist

Jason Hewitt February 15, 2019

Perspective is one of the most important aspects of journalism. I believe that every single voice matters, because every voice has a story behind it. I want to take this time to thank every single...

Frisbee and Football: An Unlikely Love Story

Jane Agler, Contributing Sports Editor February 15, 2019

Unlike what its name might suggest, the Oberlin Flying Horsecows Ultimate Frisbee team should be taken seriously. According to USA Ultimate, its A team had a 25–12 record last year, sweeping...

The Oberlin women’s volleyball team held a fundraiser Thursday, making individualized $25 candy bags for Valentine’s Day and allowing Oberlin students to surprise their loved ones with a hand-delivered holiday treat. The idea was inspired by the Oberlin women’s softball team, which has been making and delivering Halloween gift bags as a fundraiser for the past three years. The volleyball team’s gift bag featured an assortment of sweets, including Skittles and chocolate. Throughout the day, members of the team ran across campus, knocking on dorm room doors to bestow the Valentines on their excited recipients.

Volleyball Makes Valentine’s Day Extra Sweet

Jane Agler, Contributing Sports Editor February 15, 2019

T3 athletic trainer Collin Taylor works out with College junior and football quarterback Zach Taylor.

In The Locker Room with Collin Taylor, T3 Performance Athletic Trainer and YeoFit Instructor

Julie Schreiber, Sports Editor February 15, 2019

When former strength and conditioning coach Grant Butler accepted a position with Notre Dame College last spring, College junior and football player Justin Godfrey had an idea. He had trained at...

College first-year Vianca Dagnino looks forward to being an integral part of the softball team’s successes this spring.

Vianca Dagnino Begins Oberlin Softball Career After Years with Peruvian National Team

Jane Agler, Contributing Sports Editor February 8, 2019

The routine of the average high school student is simple: Go to school, attend classes and other extracurricular activities, and then return home to do homework for the following school day. For...

Sara Chang, Delaney Black, Tyler Collins, Hannah Rasmussen, and Ellisa Lang all display athletic prowess in each of their respective elements.

For National Girls & Women in Sports Day, Oberlin’s Female Athletes Share Their Stories

Alexis Dill, Sports Editor February 8, 2019

When Michigan State narrowly beat Ohio State in a highly-anticipated football game during my senior year of high school, my dad poked fun at what I thought was going to be my future school and...

Jahkeem Wheatley

In The Locker Room with Daniel Mukasa and Jahkeem Wheatley, Senior Pole Vaulters and Best Friends

Alexis Dill and Jane Agler February 8, 2019

College seniors and pole vaulters Daniel Mukasa and Jahkeem Wheatley were each other’s first friend at Oberlin. Now, in their final year of collegiate track and field, the two hope to see each...

Alumni Athletes Thrive in Post-Oberlin Pursuits

Julie Schreiber, Sports Editor February 8, 2019

To some Oberlin students, it can seem like those who dwell on the north side of campus and those on the south side of campus attend completely different colleges. In the past few years, there have...

From the Perspective of Non-binary Athletes

Abby Bellows and Leah Ross December 7, 2018

Finding Solace Abby Bellows I used to look at my reflection in windows when I ran by, focusing on my stride — how my legs moved past one another, how my feet landed — but I could never...

Last week, John W. Heisman Club President Carla White-Freyvogel, OC ’79, announced the appointment of five alumni to the Next Generation Board: Monique Newton, OC ’18 women’s track and field; Jackie McDermott, OC ’18 women’s tennis; Blaise Dolcemaschio, ’OC 16 baseball; Federico Consuegra, OC ’18 football; and Molly Powers, OC ’16 volleyball.

Alumni Named for Next Generation Heisman Board

Ify Ezimora, Sports Editor December 7, 2018

The John W. Heisman Club’s recently-announced Next Generation Board sets the foundation for a commitment to engaging with and prioritizing the voices of current students and recent grads in athletics. The...

Reflections of a Former Student-Athlete Rower

Christian Ikeokwu December 7, 2018

In high school, I competed as a member of the rowing team. Unfortunately, as Oberlin doesn’t have a rowing team, I’ve retired my unisuit and taken up life as a non-athlete. Through that process,...

Women's Basketball Gets New Bling

Women’s Basketball Gets New Bling

Alexis Dill, Sports Editor December 7, 2018

Members of the 2018 North Coast Athletic Conference Championship women’s basketball team were honored with a ring ceremony during intermission of the men’s basketball game Wednesday, which...

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