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Monday, March 31, 2025

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Oliver Bok

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief

Oliver is a Politics major from Boston, MA. Before working as Editor-in-Chief, Oliver spent three semesters working as a News Editor. He’s interested in working as a journalist after graduation. In his free time, he likes to read fiction, watch soccer and play games of all kinds.

All content by Oliver Bok
City Manager Rob Hillard listens to residents at a forum in October.

Off the Cuff: Rob Hillard, City Manager

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
December 9, 2016
History department administrative assistant Kathy King works behind a bouquet of flowers bought by faculty to show support for her and Religion department administrative assistant Brenda Hall. Administrative assistants have recently had to  ll out questionnaires on the work that they do since the
College plans to restructure positions.

College to Reduce Assistant Positions

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
November 4, 2016

Burglars Rob Lorenzo’s Twice

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
October 28, 2016

Alleged Arsonist Returns to City

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
September 9, 2016

Group Releases Strategic Plan Draft

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
October 30, 2015
Feature Photo: Green Rush Hits Oberlin

Feature Photo: Green Rush Hits Oberlin

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
October 9, 2015
The Joint Vocational School in Pittsfield Township is currently engaged in a legal battle with the city of
Oberlin. Oberlin sued the Lorain County Vocational School last June in an attempt to legally annex the school.

Vocational School Resists City Annexation

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
September 25, 2015
A customer enjoys a meal at the recently opened Strange Bird Bistro. The
restaurant replaced Weia Teia and serves food inspired by a wide range of

Strange Bird Bistro Promises Global Flavors

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
September 11, 2015

Committee Weighs Possible Budget Reduction

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
September 11, 2015
A security camera surveys campus from its perch above a Noah Hall entrance. The administration installed 145 new cameras on the entrances of dorms over the summer.

College Installs 145 New Security Cameras

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
September 4, 2015
Blue floodlights light up Mudd library to raise awareness for autism. Several students and the Office of Disability Services collaborated on the project. A panel on autism and a series of film screenings will take place in the coming weeks.

Organizers Light Mudd Up for Autism

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
April 3, 2015
Feature Photo: March 4

Feature Photo: March 4

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
March 6, 2015
Featured Photo: Regina Benjamin

Featured Photo: Regina Benjamin

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
February 27, 2015
This chart shows the difference in Oberlin's emissions in metric tons of CO2 in 2015 and 2012.  .

City Meets Target, Halves Carbon Emissions

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
February 20, 2015

Democrats Must Move to the Left

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
November 22, 2013

“Anarchist” Misused in Recent Column

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
November 8, 2013

Conservatory Opens New Performance Space

Oliver Bok, Editor in Chief
October 11, 2013
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