Security Report


Friday, April 14

1:35 p.m. A Safety and Security offi­cer assisting a student at a Village Hous­ing Unit on Professor Street found drug paraphernalia, which contained a sub­stance consistent with burnt marijuana. A bong was confiscated and turned over to the Oberlin Police Department.

3:15 p.m. A South Hall resident re­ported the theft of medication from their room. A report was also filed with the Oberlin Police Department, which is investigating the issue.

10:42 p.m. Officers, members of the Oberlin Fire Department and a College electrician assisted students stuck in the elevator in South Hall. The students were safely helped out of the elevator. The power was turned off, and the eleva­tor will remain locked until repairs are made.

Saturday, April 15

12:12 p.m. Officers and members of the Oberlin Fire Department responded to a fire alarm on the third floor of Das­comb Hall. Smoke from burnt food set off the alarm, which was reset.

7:04 p.m. Officers assisted a student, who was drunk and unconscious, out­side the Adam Joseph Lewis Center for Environmental Studies. The student was transported to Mercy Allen Hospital.

9:10 p.m. A student reported the theft of their bicycle from the northwest cor­ner of Bibbins Hall. It is unknown if the bicycle was locked at the time of theft.

Sunday, April 16

4:05 p.m. Officers responded to a re­port of an individual yelling in the south end of Dascomb Hall. The area was checked, and no one was aware of any shouting.

6:09 p.m. An officer conducting a building check located a leaking hot-water tank in the Hall Annex basement. Maintenance Tech responded, and the water was turned off until repairs were made.

Monday, April 17

4 a.m. A Goldsmith apartment resi­dent reported the theft of two PlaySta­tion 4 game units, two black controllers and a black backpack.

1:31 p.m. A student reported the theft of their bicycle from the east side of the Wright Laboratory of Physics. The bicy­cle was locked at the time of theft.