Thank You For Passing Issue 11

Oberlin City Schools would like to thank all of our parents, staff, students, and community members for supporting Issue 11. It has been a long journey.

The district has been engaged in exploring and researching new school facilities for over 10 years. The vision for the district is to design and create a new state-of-the-art facility for our students and community. This will provide the district with future cost savings, security enhancements, and advanced technology. With the passing of Issue 11, the vision has become a reality. I would like to thank our Bond Committee, Facilities Committee, previous superintendents (John Schroth and Geoff Andrews), the School Board, and community members for all of the hard work in leading up to and passing Issue 11. We are very excited!

Our students, parents, district employees, and community will have the opportunity to collaboratively create an brand new, innovative school facility in the next couple of months.
Again, thank you, and Go Phoenix!

Dr. David Hall
Oberlin City Schools