The Editorial Board Has Sex
March 11, 2011
The Republican attack on Planned Parenthood is not only frightening because it threatens to take sexual resources and information away from those communities most in need. Rather, the most frightening aspect of the attacks is what they represent: willful ignorance toward issues of sexuality, reproductive rights and overall openness in our society.
As conservative politicians attempt to completely eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood, it is important for us to remind political leaders of the simple, but apparently overlooked fact that Americans and college students have sex using various forms of birth control. To maintain our health and well-being, we need basic services like contraception and information about safe sex. Planned Parenthood is a great resource for students and others in our age demographic (race, class and geography all aside). In some communities, it may be the only resource. The harder it is to find providers for the services Planned Parenthood offers, the less likely they will be sought out, or even known. How can you take advantage of a resource you do not know exist? Although abstinence may be a possibility for some, those who make that decision still need to be educated about sexual health.
It’s appalling that members of the House of Representatives voted to undermine our health and safety in its decision to remove Planned Parenthood from the federal budget. We have a right to decide what our future will look like, and that means having the ability to make our own reproductive choices.