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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Security Notebook

February 23, 2018

Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018 12:21 p.m. Safety and Security officers, and members of the Oberlin Police Department assisted an unresponsive individual on the second floor of Philips gym. The individual was...

Professor Renee Romano discusses the nationally-touring exhibit “Courage and Compassion” with sophomores Justin Godfrey and Abe Kuhn.

Exhibit Highlights Japanese Internment Injustice

Simon Idelson February 23, 2018

“Courage and Compassion,” a historical exhibit that details national and local histories of Japanese Americans during World War II, opened at the Richard D. Baron ’64 Art Gallery last Saturday. Related...

Security Report

February 16, 2018

Thursday, Feb. 8, 2018 5:46 p.m. A student reported that they were approached and punched by an unknown man while walking through Tappan Square at approximately 1:30 a.m. The man then ran in an unknown...

Clarence “Ryan” Warfield

Off the Cuff: Clarence “Ryan” Warfield, Oberlin Police Chief

Justin Godfrey February 16, 2018

Chief Clarence “Ryan” Warfield is the recently appointed city of Oberlin Chief of Police. A native of northeast Ohio, Warfield, a former sergeant from the city of Elyria, brings an impressive skill...

President Carmen Ambar speaks during Thursday’s General Faculty Compensation Committee forum. The committee held the forum to address questions about the changes to salary increases and benefits.

Ambar Announces Budget Plans to Faculty, Staff

Sydney Allen, Editor-in-Chief February 16, 2018

President Carmen Ambar and other senior administrators have launched an 11-day presentation campaign in which all College and Conservatory faculty, administrative and professional staff, Student Senate,...

Brian Doan

Professor Brian Doan Passes Away at 44

Alex Davies, Staff Writer February 16, 2018

Oberlin community members, family, and friends suffered the unexpected loss of Visiting Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Composition Brian Doan, 44. Doan died of a heart attack Sunday, Dec. 17, 2017....

The Office of Disability Resources’ new office in Peters Hall, part of the Center for Student Success. The ODR is currently under interim management as the College searches for a new director.

Office of Disability Resources Prepares to Hire New Full-Time Director

Devyn Malouf, Production Manager February 16, 2018

A number of disability-centered initiatives have arisen after a semester of dysfunction from the Office of Disability Resources, including the creation of a Disability Solidarity Theme Hall, a series of...

A “Wasteland” themed Solarity in November 2017. A new campus group, the Oberlin Bystander Initiative, will be sending trained bystanders to parties and campus events where there could be alcohol or other substances to ensure students’ safety.

Oberlin Bystander Intervention Finds New Home

Gabby Greene, Staff Writer February 16, 2018

The Oberlin Bystander Intervention Program, which aims to train students to be active bystanders at large events as well as educate about substance abuse safety measures, becomes fully operational this...

Senate Survey Reveals Student Dissatisfaction

Roman Broszkowski, Senior Staff Writer February 16, 2018

After receiving over 1,100 responses to their fall 2017 survey on student satisfaction at Oberlin, Student Senate has found that students are dissatisfied with current campus resources and services, but...

Gibson’s Bakery is currently engaged in a contentious lawsuit with both the College and Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo.

Court Denies Dismissal of Gibson’s Charges

Sydney Allen, Editor-in-Chief February 9, 2018

The College and Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo responded to a November lawsuit brought by Gibson’s Bakery. In December, the College attempted to file a partial motion to dismiss some of the charges...

College Projects Enrollment Rebound

Devyn Malouf, Production Manager February 9, 2018

After a significant enrollment shortfall that led to a $5-million deficit, the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid projects that Oberlin College and Conservatory will meet its target admission rate...

Wilder Hall lobby was renovated over Winter Term. The space had numerous walls knocked down in an effort to give students more community spaces to engage with.

Wilder Hall Renovation Begins, Citing Student Surveys

Roman Broszkowski, Senior Staff Writer February 9, 2018

Students returning to campus this week have been greeted with a revamped Wilder Hall lobby, which will undergo further changes as renovations continue. The lobby was enlarged and, according to a letter...

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