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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

March 15 Ballot to Renew Oberlin City School Budget

Adam Gittin, News Editor March 11, 2016

Voters will find several levies up for renewal on the ballot as they take to the polls Tuesday. Among these levies are Issues 25 and 26, which would renew the Oberlin City School District’s operating...

Photo by Benjamin Shepherd, Photo Editor

Feature Photo: Anti-Oppression Symposium

Adam Gittin, News Editor March 11, 2016

Students gathered in the King Building Thursday evening for a teach-in on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict hosted by Students for a Free Palestine. Titled “Palestine 101,” the educational forum featured...

The community-owned Oberlin Municipal Light and Power System plant generates and provides electric power to its 3,100 residential and commercial customers. Oberlin College is working toward its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2025.

Faculty Look to Achieve Carbon Neutrality

Vergil Demery March 11, 2016

With 20/20 hindsight, several major stakeholders in Oberlin College’s Environmental Policy Implementation Plan are working to find new ways to achieve carbon neutrality by 2025. The plan, which was...

Professor’s Alleged Anti-Semitism Gains Local, National Traction

Sydney Allen and Jake Berstein March 11, 2016

After an Oberlin professor was accused of posting anti-Semitic messages to Facebook, the College has once again become the subject of national controversy. Outside opinions seeped into the campus community...

Gökçe Günel, author of Spaceship in the Desert: Energy, Climate Change, and Green Business in Abu Dhabi.

Off the Cuff: Gökçe Günel, Anthropologist, Lecturer, Author

Kerensa Loadholt, News Editor March 11, 2016

Gökçe Günel, Ph.D., is an Anthropology lecturer at Columbia University. Her articles have been published in Ephemera, Anthropology News, Public Culture, The Yearbook of Comparative Literature, the ARPA...

Benjamin Shepherd, Photo Editor

Campus Accessibility Services Expand Outreach

Kerensa Loadholt, News Editor March 11, 2016

The Office of Disability Services has implemented two new programs this semester to improve and publicize assistance available for students registered with the office. One of these new programs is Studying...

Review Security Notebook

March 4, 2016

Thursday, Feb. 25
 12:31 a.m. Safety and Security officers were requested to assist an intoxicated student outside of Wilder Hall. After officers spoke to the student, and the student was escorted...

OSCA, College Negotiate Future of Old Barrows

Eliza Guinn, Copy Editor March 4, 2016

OSCA employees returned from strike amid negotiations between the College and the Oberlin Student Cooperative Association that will likely decide the future of the Old Barrows Co-op. “OSCA employees...

Local News Bulletin

March 4, 2016

Annual Campaign to Fight Hunger Kicks Off On Feb. 29, the Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio launched its annual Harvest for Hunger Campaign. The food bank’s goal is to raise enough money...

Jim Collins, professor of film, television and theatre and concurrent professor of English at the University of Notre Dame, spoke Thursday at Oberlin.

Off the Cuff: Jim Collins, Professor of English, Film, TV, Theatre

Adam Gittin, News Editor March 4, 2016

Jim Collins is acting dean for the arts, a professor of film, television and theatre and concurrent professor of English at the University of Notre Dame, where he teaches courses on postmodernism, media...

Oberlin Youth Council Tackles Accessibility, Transportation

Adam Gittin, News Editor March 4, 2016

After 15 years of inactivity, the Oberlin Youth Council, a group working to bring civic-minded students of diverse backgrounds together to consider issues faced by the community, has reformed. These middle...

An armed Oberlin resident shops at Wal-Mart. House Bill 48 would increase the amount of public places where licensed owners can carry concealed weapons.

‘Guns Everywhere’ Bill to Allow Arms on Campuses

Kerensa Loadholt, News Editor March 4, 2016

The national debate over gun control has grown increasingly local since House Bill 48 passed through the Ohio House of Representatives last November. The city of Oberlin will demonstrate its opposition...

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