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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Gifts and cards line the shelves of Carlyle Flower Shop. The store's longtime owners plan to celebrate Carlyle's 80th anniversary this year.

Carlyle Flower Shop Flourishes Under Morrison, Toss

Vida Weisblaum, Managing Editor March 4, 2016

Lorraine Morrison loves kites. “They’re wonderful,” she says, a glimpse of amazement in her eye as she paints the air with her palms. The owner of Carlyle Flower Shop at 17 West College Street knew...

Feature Photo: City, Library, Renewal Levies on March 15 Ballot

Feature Photo: City, Library, Renewal Levies on March 15 Ballot

Adam Gittin, News Editor March 4, 2016

With Super Tuesday come and gone, it’s time for Ohioans to turn toward their own state’s primary on March 15. In addition to the presidential candidates, several levies will be on the ballot for renewal....

College Sophomore Gabe Steller assists a student at the front desk of Mudd Library. A new director of libraries will be chosen in the coming weeks after
candidates visit campus.

Library Director Candidates Present to Students, Faculty

Eliza Guinn, Copy Editor February 26, 2016

Oberlin College is searching for a new director of libraries after the departure of Ray English, who retired at the end of the spring 2015 semester. English served as director for 25 years. The search...

A representation of the stretching and squeezing of spacetime caused by the orbiting of two black holes rotating counterclockwise around each other is shown. Scientists from LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration recently proved the existence of gravitational waves.

Black Hole Collision Confirms Last Piece of Einstein’s Puzzle

Adam Gittin, News Editor February 26, 2016

A team of scientists announced earlier this month that they had detected gravitational waves, tiny ripples in spacetime, caused by the collision of two black holes more than a billion lightyears away from...

Local Planned Parenthood to Remain Active After Budget Cuts

Harrison Wollman February 26, 2016

Ohio Governor John Kasich recently signed a bill to cut funding for Ohio’s Planned Parenthood Clinics. House Bill 294 prevents the state from funding health organizations that perform or promote abortions....

Local News Bulletin

February 26, 2016

Youth Council Resurgence After almost 15 years of inactivity, Oberlin City’s Youth Council has reformed. The group provides a platform for youth, including College students, to address...

Review Security Notebook

February 26, 2016

Thursday, Feb. 18
 1:48 a.m. Officers were requested to assist a student ill from alcohol consumption on the second floor of Firelands Apartments. The student was found sleeping in the hall and was...

GovHR to Take Control of City Manager Search

Vergil Demery February 26, 2016

Oberlin City Council agreed last week to hire GovHR USA to assist in its search for a permanent city manager. GovHR, a corporate firm based in Northbrook, IL, was chosen over three other applicants to...

Elizabeth Kolbert, journalist for The New Yorker and previous stringer for The New York Times, will speak at Oberlin March 2 in Finney Chapel.

Off the Cuff: Elizabeth Kolbert, Journalist, Author, Activist

Kerensa Loadholt, News Editor February 26, 2016

Elizabeth Kolbert began working for The New York Times as a stringer in 1983 and has written for The New Yorker for 15 years. For her work on global warming and climate change, she traveled to...

In the face of the Issue 3 loss, legislators are currently in the process of gathering information to propose a bill for the legalization of medical marijuana.

Marijuana Legislation Takes New Direction

Sydney Allen, Editor-in-Chief February 26, 2016

Last week, Legalize Ohio 2016 announced that it was suspending its efforts to collect petition signatures for an amendment to legalize and regulate marijuana use for recreational and medical purposes....

Ventures storefront depicts the recently closed store. The Shift Project, opening Feb. 22, will take over the space.

Shift Project to Open Office Space Downtown

Vergil Demery February 26, 2016

The Oberlin Project will open its most recent endeavor, the Shift Project, on Feb. 22. Set to run until March 18, it will support local entrepreneurship by offering students and community members a working...

Board of Education Agrees to Contract Locally

Kerensa Loadholt, News editor February 19, 2016

Though still lacking the go-ahead to officially pursue construction, Oberlin City Schools has taken another step toward building a new elementary school. Oberlin City Schools Board of Education officials...

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