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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Security Report: April 28 – May 4, 2011

Staff May 13, 2011

Thursday, April 28 1:25 a.m. Officers were alerted to a student sitting outside on a second floor window ledge at King Hall. The student said he climbed through a window to smoke a cigarette. He was...

Off the Cuff: Rand Steiger, Composer-in-Residence

Caroline Hui, Staff Writer May 13, 2011

How did you get your start in music and composition? I started as a rock drummer when I was growing up in the suburbs of New York City. When I was in junior high, I wrote songs for my band, so I...

Student Organization of the Week: Thread Collective

Erica Reyes, Staff Writer May 13, 2011

Last fall, Thread Collective, a student-run production company, was founded by College juniors David Ohana, Aaron Profumo and Hayden Gilbert. The company works to raise funds and to manage and market student...

OPIRG hosts The Love Movement

Abby Hawkins, Staff Writer May 13, 2011

Wilder Bowl was a vision of serenity and springtime celebration in the midst of the Love Movement on Sunday, May 8, an afternoon of face-painting, Moon-Bouncing and concert-going. The event featured...

Senior Combines Neuroscience, Dance in Honors Project

Veronica Burnham, Staff Writer May 13, 2011

The shift from high school to college is a challenge for many students. While leaving home, incoming college first-years dream of the (almost) unlimited freedom, new friends and exciting experiences, but...

Wilder Press to Publish Anthologies, Novella

Julia Herbst, Staff Writer May 13, 2011

On May 27, Wilder Voice Press will celebrate the release of its first published books: two anthologies and a collection of poetry written by Oberlin students. Staff members of the Wilder Voice literary...

Big Parade Comes to Town

Jessica Lam, Staff Writer May 13, 2011

Warmth and sunshine — a welcome respite from the dreary weather of the past few weeks on campus — marked the 10th annual Big Parade and Festival on Saturday, May 7. Preparation began early in the morning...

Wilder Press to Publish Anthologies, Novella

Julia Herbst, Staff Writer May 13, 2011

On May 27, Wilder Voice Press will celebrate the release of its first published books: two anthologies and a collection of poetry written by Oberlin students. Staff members of the Wilder Voice literary...

Visiting Speaker Inspects MySpace Friendships

Liv Combe, News Editor May 13, 2011

In an era when The Social Network is nominated for an Academy Award and the news of Osama bin Laden’s death is heard first on Twitter, it’s safe to assume that most people are active on one online...

FEATURE: “Swerve” Bike Shop Opens Downtown

Angus Chen, Staff Writer May 13, 2011

Oberlin is now home to a new bike store called “Swerve.” Swerve’s entirely glass front wall and minimalist interior give it a modern look and feel that is largely absent from Main Street. At first...

Ronald Reagan Political Lectureship Series Attracts Local Conservatives, Few Students

John Light, Editor-In-Chief May 6, 2011

This past week, the Oberlin Republicans and Libertarians took to task the centuries- old adage, “Not to be a socialist at 20 is proof of want of heart; to be one at 30 is proof of want of head.” On...

Former Senator Feingold Speaks on Campaign Finance

Caroline Hui, Staff Writer May 6, 2011

Former Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) came to Oberlin on Wednesday to speak about campaign finance reform, the issue for which he is arguably most well-known. Feingold began his career as a public servant...

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