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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Doe v. Oberlin Case Returned to Lower Court After Title IX Investigation Closes

Cal Ransom and Celia Perks March 3, 2023

In 2017 and 2020, two “John Doe”s separately sued Oberlin College on the grounds of gender-based discrimination in the College’s Title IX investigations. While the cases involved similar situations...

Repeat Glass bins are now located on campus.

College Introduces Glass Recycling

Emma Benardete, Editor-in-Chief March 3, 2023

Last Friday, two glass recycling bins were installed on campus behind Harkness House and in the Wilder Hall parking lot. This was part of an initiative by the Resource Conservation Team, a division of...

Mahmoud Meslat

Mahmoud Meslat: Visiting Instructor of Arabic and Human Rights Activists

Kushagra Kar, Editor-in-Chief March 3, 2023

Mahmoud Meslat, visiting instructor of Arabic, has taught at Oberlin for the last 12 years. In response to the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria Feb. 6, Meslat — who is Syrian-American — as well as...

Students often cross the street between the Science Center and Wilder Hall.

Speed Limit Reduction for W. Lorain St. Approved

Ava Miller, The Bulletin Editor March 3, 2023

This past week, the Ohio Department of Transportation approved the City of Oberlin’s request for a speed limit reduction along West Lorain Street, a high traffic state route, between North Park Street...

Security Report

March 3, 2023

Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023 Campus Safety officers responded to the Carnegie Building area to assist a staff member who had fallen on the sidewalk. Officers transported a student who was not feeling...

Upcoming Events

March 3, 2023

Saturday, March 4 11 a.m.: Researching Big Mama: From 20th Century to Slavery in the Oberlin Public Library Meeting Room The Oberlin African-American Genealogy & History Group invites participants...

COVID-19 Update

March 3, 2023

Oberlin College Between Jan. 28 and Feb. 24, 19 positive rapid COVID-19 tests were self-reported to ObieSafe. Harness Health reported two positive PCR tests during the same time period. ObieSafe’s...

World Headlines

Anandi Purewal-Legha March 3, 2023

Kim Jong Un Orders Central Committee to Improve Agricultural Sector North Korea’s economy has been impacted by environmental disasters, sanctions, and trade disturbances with China due to COVID-19....

The event was hosted by OHM Advisors and KM Date Community Planning.

Community Discusses City Policies, Future Comprehensive Development Plans

Cal Ransom, News Editor February 24, 2023

A public meeting was held Thursday, Feb. 16 in the Prospect Building for Oberlin community members to provide feedback on key issues affecting the town. This was in continuation of the survey conducted...

The community fridge may be located near the back patio of the Oberlin Public Library.

Green EDGE Fund Fridge Project to Start Mid-April

Alexa Stevens and Ava Miller February 24, 2023

For the past several months, College fourth-year Anokha Venugopal and third-year Charlotte Spence have been working with the Green EDGE Fund to create a community fridge to serve and be stocked by the...

Shanta Devarajan

Shanta Devarajan: Former Chief Economist of World Bank

Alexa Stevens, News Editor February 24, 2023

Today at 7:30 p.m., former Chief Economist for the World Bank and Chair of the Georgetown University International Development concentration Shanta Devarajan, in conversation with College professors, will...

City Council meetings are held bi-weekly in person.

City Council Approves Crosswalk, Other Proposals at Meeting

Selena Frantz February 24, 2023

On Feb. 21, the Oberlin City Council met at the council chambers to discuss a number of proposals and ordinances. All members of the Council were present, as were City Manager Rob Hillard, Finance Director...

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