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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

College, Raimondo Denied New Trial in Gibson’s Case

Nathan Carpenter, Editor-in-Chief September 13, 2019

Judge John Miraldi of the Lorain County Court of Common Pleas ruled Tuesday that Oberlin College and Vice President and Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo would not be granted a new trial in the lawsuit...

OTC: Dr. Rosemary Ahtuangaruak, Iñupiaq Environmental Activist

OTC: Dr. Rosemary Ahtuangaruak, Iñupiaq Environmental Activist

Nathan Carpenter and Ivy Fernandez Smith September 13, 2019

Rosemary Ahtuangaruak is an Iñupiaq environmental activist from Alaska who has collaborated with Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Chie Sakakibara for many years. In her home village of Nuiqsut,...

Security Report

September 13, 2019

Thursday, Sept. 5, 2019 7:30 p.m. Campus Safety officers and members of the Oberlin Fire Department responded to a fire alarm at a Union Street Housing Unit. Smoke from overheated cooking oil activated...

The Cox Administration Building houses the Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences’ office. Currently, both the College and the Conservatory are engaged in an active search for new deans.

Searches Launch for Next College, Conservatory Deans

Anisa Curry Vietze, Editor-in-Chief September 6, 2019

In a time of unprecedented institutional change following the recommendations of the Academic and Administrative Program Review, both the College and Conservatory have launched active searches for new...

Local Overdoses Raise Concerns

Katie Lucey, News Editor September 6, 2019

The Oberlin Police Department responded to 13 reported heroin overdose incidents within Oberlin city limits between January 1 and August 13 of this year, one of which resulted in a death. These incidents...

Students in the Arabic 101 course taught by Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic Mahmoud Meslat. Following a faculty petition this spring, the College Faculty Council approved introductory Arabic courses for both the fall and spring semesters.

Introductory Arabic Courses Offered On Campus in Fall, Spring

Ella Moxley, News Editor September 6, 2019

Following significant controversy last spring, Oberlin will once again offer introductory Arabic courses on campus this academic year. In April, a group of faculty petitioned the College Faculty Council...

SJI Reaches Record Attendance

SJI Reaches Record Attendance

Ananya Gupta, Managing Editor September 6, 2019

A record-breaking number of incoming first-year students applied to participate in the Social Justice Institute orientation workshop. The two-day annual workshop aims to engage incoming Obies from a diverse...

In Memory of John “Jed” Deppman, Professor of Comparative Literature and English

In Memory of John “Jed” Deppman, Professor of Comparative Literature and English

Katie Lucey, News Editor September 6, 2019

The staff of The Oberlin Review extends our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Professor of Comparative Literature and English John “Jed” Deppman, who died June 22, 2019 at the age of...

Despite Legalization, Medical Marijuana Faces Hurdles

Alexa Stevens, News Editor September 6, 2019

Sunday will mark the third anniversary of the legalization of medical marijuana in Ohio. On Sept. 8, 2016, Ohio House Bill 523 went into effect, allowing those with specific medical conditions to purchase...

Keith Tarvin

Off The Cuff: Keith Tarvin, Professor of Biology

Katherine MacPhail, Editor-in-Chief September 6, 2019

Professor of Biology Keith Tarvin published a study last Wednesday which has been covered by major news outlets such as CNN, The New York Times, and NPR. The study, titled “Eavesdropping grey squirrels...

Gibson's Bakery is the plaintiff in the lawsuit against Oberlin College and Dean of Students Meredith Raimondo and was awarded $44.2 million by a Lorain County jury this week.

Jury Rules For Gibson’s, Assigns $44 Million in Damages

Anisa Curry Vietze, Editor-in-Chief June 14, 2019

Editor's note: Due to the scope of national media attention, the Review took the extraordinary step of covering the Gibson's verdict outside of normal publication dates. Because of limited staff capacity,...

CDS workers prepare pizzas in the Wilder DeCafé. Hourly employees continue to express concerns over the impacts of the AAPR recommendations.

Hourly Workers Maintain AAPR Concerns

Nathan Carpenter, Editor-in-Chief May 10, 2019

Tensions remain high between Oberlin’s unionized hourly workers and the Academic and Administrative Program Review steering committee. After weeks of collecting community feedback, the committee is wrapping...

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