It is no secret that the Oberlin student body is politically active. One only has to walk around campus or listen in on a conversation in the morning Azariah’s Café line to realize that students care...
As an incoming first-year, one of the main things about Oberlin that stuck out to me was their commitment to inclusivity and emphasis on community. On the front page of the Housing Selection section of...
An open letter was published three weeks ago from a group claiming to speak for Oberlin’s Jewish students in the title of their article (“Open Letter from Oberlin’s Jewish Students,” The Oberlin...
Edna Josell, Letters To Editors
• December 8, 2023
In response to the letter by seven Jewish students alleging to represent the entire Jewish student body of Oberlin, I would like to present a perspective that I am confident is held by far more. I will...
Marshall Engel, Chair, Obies for Israel
• December 8, 2023
We are Obies for Israel, a new Jewish group in the process of getting chartered at the College. We have a three-part mission. Firstly, we create a safe space for Oberlin students who care about Israel...
It’s finals season. Like a row of dominoes, finals cause extreme stress, which in turn causes the sudden toppling of an entire student body’s mental health. It’s difficult to even walk across campus...
If you’ve been on any short video based platform within the past couple of months — whether that is the original TikTok or one of its arguably lesser offshoots, such as Instagram Reels or YouTube Shorts...
Post-Thanksgiving break, you can feel the anxiety and dread within the walls of Oberlin College. The event that we all anticipate yet hate is dawning on us: finals. Like most colleges and universities...
We, as parents and alumni, are writing to express our deep concern over recent incidents on Oberlin’s campus that have created a hostile climate not only toward Israel, but toward the Jewish people...
I don’t remember the first time my mom asked me to repeat myself. Even as the incidents increased over time, they were never too many to ignore. Surely we owe each other some grace, after all, in the...
During a student protest three weeks ago in response to Oberlin’s tepid statements of compassion and neutrality in light of the ongoing Israel–Palestine conflict and the College’s ongoing entanglement...