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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Shutdown Shows Partisanship Trumps Nation’s Well-Being

Sean Para, Columnist October 4, 2013

The recent shutdown of the federal government serves as yet another stark reminder of the systemic failures of our political system. It did not need to happen; it did not have to happen; it should not...

Livestreaming of College Events

Robert N. Roth October 4, 2013

To the Editors: This week I had the pleasure of listening to, and seeing on my computer screen, no less than four great concerts from Conservatory venues. Because of age, I have increasing trouble getting...

Absolute and Reported Truth: Recognizing the Difference

Elizabeth Kuhr, Staff Writer October 4, 2013

In an eager endeavor to digest all that the news has to offer about the Arab Spring, particularly with regard to the current Egyptian and Syrian revolutionary movements working to reform the countries’...

Senate Liaison Encourages Participation

Machmud Makhmudov October 4, 2013

To the Editors: First, I would like to thank every Oberlin student who either voted or ran as a candidate in the recent Student Senate election. The election began last Tuesday, and ended Friday at...

Shutdown Rooted in Partisanship, Moralizing of Opposition

The Editorial Board October 4, 2013

Disappointment with Congressional performance might seem hard to quantify this week, as an uncompromising House of Representatives rendered the government defunct and the American public dismayed on Tuesday...

Enough is Enough: the TSA Must Be Privatized

Aaron Pressman, Contributing Writer October 4, 2013

There is only one governmental body in the United States that handles nearly as many packages on a daily basis as the United States Postal Service. Every air traveler has heard of it: the Transportation...

The Gun Debate in Oberlin

Sally McMullen September 27, 2013

To the Editors: The room was packed like sardines at the Oberlin City Council Meeting on Sept. 16, and the discussion was lively. In a nutshell, there are people who want to openly carry guns in public...

OSCA: The Good, the Bad and the Gluten-Free

Sean Para September 27, 2013

This is my first semester eating in a co-op. I was quite miserable last year on a CDS meal plan and was overjoyed last spring when I got into my first choice co-op, Old Barrows. Now, twice a day, I saunter...

Curfew Laws Ignore U.S. Constitution

Aaron Pressman September 27, 2013

With rates of violence involving teenagers on the rise, more and more U.S. cities have been proposing and implementing curfews, prohibiting minors from being on the streets during nighttime hours. I don’t...

Conspicuous Silence on Attack in Nairobi

Sam White September 27, 2013

There’s no doubt that my time at Oberlin College has broadened my outlook on the world. I’m surrounded, for the most part, by people who care about what happens outside of their everyday lives —...

In Discussing Navy Yard Shooting, Disrespecting Disabled Persons Not An Option

Alice Fine September 27, 2013

To the Editors: I was outraged and frustrated by the editorial printed in last week’s Review, “Washington Navy Yard Massacre Was Avoidable,” (The Oberlin Review, Sept. 20, 2013.) One of the article’s...

Correction of Student Working Group Proposals

Alison Williams and Eric Estes September 27, 2013

To the Editors: Thank you for your coverage of the student working groups. We are writing to clarify a matter that was addressed in the Sept. 20, 2013 Review article “Administration Begins Implementation...

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