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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Education More Than Return on Investment

The Editorial Board September 27, 2013

The Obama administration recently announced plans to formulate a ranking system for institutions of higher education, taking into consideration a new set of key factors, including graduate’s earning...

Responsible Investment Encourages Voting

To the Editors: This weekend, Oberlin College seniors have the duty to vote for responsible investing at Oberlin. The Senior Gift Survey is being readministered, and it’s time to stand up for our...

Sunny with a Chance of Cynicism: Keep Oberlin Pretty

Libby Salemi September 27, 2013

When I first came to Oberlin, I was under the impression that I would be considered normal and maybe even slightly conservative when thrown into a population of super bizarre, politically correct, environmentalist...

Stricter Regulation of Power Plants Needed in Reducing Environmental Harm

Alison S. Ricker September 27, 2013

To the Editors: Thank you for the full coverage you gave to the Environment Ohio report on Ohio’s gas-fired and coal power plants (“Report Lists Ohio as Top Polluter,” The Oberlin Review, Sept....

Playboy Hoax Creates Opportunity to Discuss Sexual Violence

The Editorial Board September 20, 2013

This past Tuesday, social networkers were in awe of Playboy’s enlightened take on its infamous list of Top Party Schools. The guide spread like wildfire across the internet by college students and other...

Urgent Need for Gun Control Revealed Yet Again

Sean Para September 20, 2013

The recent mass shooting at the Washington Navy Yard is yet another glaring reminder of the urgent need for a comprehensive and stringent reform of gun control laws. On Monday, Aaron Alexis, a Navy reservist...

Gun Violence Solution Requires Leadership

Sam White, Columnist September 20, 2013

We need to rewrite our gun laws, and we need to do it now. Yes, here it is: another angry opinion piece from another self-righteous college kid following another mass shooting, amid yet another wave...

Understanding Ohio’s Gun Control Debate

David Ashenhurst September 20, 2013

To the Editors: The Review’s reporters did a better job than some in trying to under- stand the current controversy over gun laws and explain it to others. Some of it was a little off, however, and...

Consent: Our Role in the Interruption of Rape Culture

Sophie Hess, Contributing Writer September 20, 2013

Trigger Warning: This article contains references to sexual violence. This week marked my weird public debut as a feminist hacker. I’ve been working with a group called FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture...

Washington Navy Yard Massacre Was Avoidable

Aaron Pressman September 20, 2013

Murdered: Kenneth Proctor, Frank Kohler, Vishnu Pandit, Mary Knight, Gerald Read, Kathy Gaarde, Martin Bodrog, Richard Ridgell, Arthur Daniels, Michael Arnold, Sylvia Frasier and John Johnson. Twelve innocent...

Sunny with a Chance of Cynicism: Counseling Center’s Shortcomings Must Be Addressed

Libby Salemi September 20, 2013

A few years ago, let’s say about halfway through my first year, I started feeling like there was something weird going on with my brain. I’d be sitting in the middle of class and everything would suddenly...

Kiss My Sass: I Don’t Like the Way You Twerk It

Sophia Ottoni-Wilhelm, Opinions Editor September 13, 2013

When Miley Cyrus took the stage at the recent MTV Video Music Awards, twerking away on the lap of R&B musician Robin Thicke, she made the whole world vomit a little as she proved just how far she’s...

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