In light of the College’s recently assigned “negative outlook” by preeminent credit rating agency Moody’s, it is unclear if it will be able to respond in full — or at all — to renewed student...
While I’m on the subject of controversial songs (drawing back to last week’s article on “Blurred Lines”), let’s talk about the hit “Same Love” by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis ft. Mary Lambert....
To the Editors:
Students for a Free Palestine welcomes Oberlin’s student body back to campus. We hope you all had wonderful summers!
As we all dive into the new learning and commitments that the...
This summer, I spent a week staying with a friend in São Paolo, Brazil. There I noticed a linguistic situation far different than those I had previously encountered. My friend, his family and most everyone...
When the United States speaks, the world listens. Despite the heated global rhetoric, this is undeniable: President Obama’s threat of military action in Syria — and his subsequent request that the...
Yagiz Harun, Contributing Writer
• September 13, 2013
On Aug. 21, President Assad’s forces supposedly used sarin gas on civilians. British Prime Minister David Cameron jumped at the chance to propose an attack on Syria. Using the G-20 Summit as a platform...
Sam White, Contributing Writer
• September 6, 2013
With Congress set to vote this Monday on a resolution that would authorize limited military action in Syria, the United States finds itself yet again on the brink of a bloody, costly and entirely avoidable...
A couple of months ago, a friend offered me a ride home from work and immediately put on a song she’d been dying to show me. She’s a couple years younger than our coworkers and I, so when she finds...
Media coverage on Syria over the past few weeks has been decidedly Western-centric, focusing on the roles of the U.S. and Russia and the implications of their involvement in the conflict. According to...
Sitting in the Qatar airport on my way home from Nepal last week, I was thinking about culture shock. After spending three and a half months in the poorest country in Southwest Asia, I knew that returning...
The College aired its dirty laundry to the nation last semester when media outlets swarmed campus to report on the rash of bigoted graffiti cropping up in academic and residential buildings. The coverage...
Living in Oberlin, we are uniquely privileged to be part of a community that claims to value the arts and supports that statement with funding — a rare thing in small-town Ohio. But as much as the arts...