To the Editors:
Last week, racist and homophobic language was spray painted on an exterior wall of Dascomb. Some of the discussion surrounding this incident, in both campus-wide e-mails and in the Review,...
To the Editors:
We write to ask all members of the Oberlin community to support the Oberlin Public Library by voting for Issue 22 on Tuesday, May 3. If passed, Issue 22 will replace the library’s...
To the Editors:
I do not hate people of African descent, nor do I hate homosexuals. I realize how hurtful both terms that appeared on the south wall of Dascomb are to members of both of these groups...
To the Editors:
Oberlin College Republicans and Libertarians look to end the year strong with increased political conversation around campus. The club is pleased to announce two prominent speakers on...
The response to the hateful and inflammatory graffiti found on the side of Dascomb Hall on April 17 was bold, powerful and extremely valuable.
Immediately after the graffiti was discovered, a group...
To the Editors:
We’re pleased that The Oberlin Review chose to put the article about the Student Senate’s participation in a community conversation dealing with the future for the City of Oberlin...
To the Editors:
David Boies, one of the country’s most prominent attorneys, appeared at Oberlin on April 5 to discuss his role in the California gay marriage case. I appreciate the Review’s invitation...
To the Editors:
Your arts editor’s review of You and Me and Me and You ignored the quiet beauty and intentional complexities of College seniors Stephanie Lo and Sam Draisin’s artwork. As Jimmy Hagan...
To the Editors:
I’m Jacob Lamoureux, one of your candidates for senior class president, and I’d like to shower lavish approval upon this message and lavish thanks upon you for reading it.
Even at a school as academically outstanding as Oberlin, it’s not uncommon to hear students complaining about the ways in which their classes are taught. Often, the first thing a student will do...
Last week, lawmakers reached a compromise on spending cuts that affected some federal education programs, yet spared the Department of Education. While budget cuts seem inevitable, education needs to remain...
At a recent writing workshop I attended, a New York Times editor asked a group of college students how much we thought a first-year copywriter made at the newspaper. One student guessed $8 an hour. The...