To the Editors:
I’m new to the “Math Barbie” debate. I read the relevant articles not an hour ago, and I have yet to see the transgression in question. But journalistic wrongdoing aside, as I...
Inspired by my mother’s recently published article on making a list of things you want, I tried to make my own, and I am challenging you to do the same. Make a list, right now. Make a list of at least...
To the Editors:
What does it mean for the Review to be the “Publication of Record for Oberlin College,” as it states atop your editorial masthead? The designation carries a weighty burden and...
To the Editors:
Full disclosure: I have trouble with mathematics, and do not plan to pursue it beyond the Calculus I class I took last semester.
For the topic of my epistle, I refer to Professor...
To the Editors:
Despite his concerns, Owen Henry is mistaken in suggesting (1) that the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education receives funding solely from conservative organizations and (2)...
To the Editors:
In last week's issue you had a letter lauding the efforts of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education in promoting free speech on college campuses nationwide. Assuredly, the...
The three-week-old no-fly zone in Libya marks a return to American participation in international security after the adventurism of the Bush years. The reasons for this are both the economic necessity...
Governor Kasich has miraculously transformed a union concession into an illegitimate luxury. Kasich and the Republican Party have convinced a majority of the Ohio government that binding arbitration...
To the Editors:
American colleges and universities have long been regarded as bastions of free speech and free thinking, Oberlin College included. Throughout the school’s almost 200-year history,...
To the Editors:
Did you know that Oberlin College alumni established an association in 1839? That’s 172 years of grads who have loved Oberlin and how it shaped them as people who make a difference...
Recently, The Oberlin Review received a harshly worded letter, condemning our This Week editor’s joke about the difficulty of mathematics. In 1992, the Mattel company debuted a Barbie that uttered,...
To the Editors:
In classical antiquity, a study of the artes liberales consisted of seven subjects. Grammar, logic and rhetoric comprised the core, the trivium, and arithmetic, geometry, astronomy,...