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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

College Should Consider City Funding

Kevin G. Gilfether February 25, 2011

To the Editors: Tony Mealy, in a recent letter to the editors of The Oberlin Review, wants to make the point that Oberlin College and other well funded, prestigious nonprofit institutions in Oberlin...

The Meaning of Wisconsin: A Leftist Resurgence

Shannon Ikebe February 25, 2011

The time has finally come. Ever since the beginning of the global, systemic crisis of the neoliberal economy in 2008, there has been a hope for the leftist resurgence that could finally bury three decades...

Endorsing the Enemy?

The Editorial Board February 25, 2011

A question frequently posed in the days leading up to Karl Rove’s visit last semester resurfaced this week when Sergeant Benjamin Anthony, a supporter of the Israeli army, visited campus: Is it proper...

Speaker Spouted Immoral Propaganda

Lucia Anne Kalinosky February 25, 2011

To the Editors: This Tuesday, Oberlin Students for Israel hosted an event titled “Reflections of a Frontline IDF Soldier,” in which Sergeant Benjamin Anthony from the Israeli Defense Forces spoke...

Event Ignored Discorse and Debate

Quinton Steele February 25, 2011

To the Editors: When I entered Sgt. Benjamin Anthony’s talk, “Confessions of a Frontline IDF Soldier,” already prepared to protest, I was handed a leaflet from Students for Israel. It said, among...

Waiting For “Superman” Offers False Accusations, Faulty Solutions

Will Rubenstein, Columnist February 18, 2011

This past Wednesday, Obies had the opportunity to view one of the latest fusillades in the public policy debate over education: Davis Guggenheim’s newest film, Waiting for “Superman.” Best...

Israeli Defense Sgt. to Speak

Hadas Binyamini, Leah Goldman, and Ari Feinberg February 18, 2011

To the Editors: On Feb. 22, Oberlin Students for Israel is bringing Sgt. Benjamin Anthony to campus to speak about his experiences as a soldier in the Israeli Defense Forces. Sgt. Anthony is a combat...

“Heartbeat” Bill Restricts Rights

The Editorial Board February 18, 2011

On Wednesday, Feb. 9, Republican state representatives introduced the “heartbeat” bill, a piece of legislation designed to ban abortions on fetuses with a detectable heartbeat. Using the tired...

Freshman Stress On the Rise

Eva Sachs February 18, 2011

The first year of college can be easily stressful for anybody. Being away from friends and family for the first time, taking on new responsibilities — not to mention countless new opportunities like...

Students Illegitimately Charged as Domestic Terrorists

Nathan Engstrom February 18, 2011

To the Editors: In response to the recent article “Oberlin Student May Face Domestic Terrorism Charge” it is pretty amazing (in an awful way) that Big Coal would go after such well intentioned innocent...

No Need To Agree With Me: Thoughts on the Oberlin College Black History Celebration

Lisa Mon'a Brown, Columnist February 18, 2011

Our generation seems to be completely disconnected to its history. Fewer than 50 years ago, several restrictive laws that had banned interracial marriages, segregated bus passengers and enforced residential...

Organizations Should Pay In Lieu of Taxes

Tony Mealy February 18, 2011

To the Editors: Oberlin Schools and the city of Oberlin, like many other communities throughout Ohio, are experiencing budget shortfalls due to bad economic times. Payments in Lieu of Taxes is negotiated...

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