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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

The Pursuit of Happiness

Sarp Yavuz, Staff Writer April 15, 2011

Inspired by my mother’s recently published article on making a list of things you want, I tried to make my own, and I am challenging you to do the same. Make a list, right now. Make a list of at least...

Review Missing Math And Science Coverage

Manish Mehta April 6, 2011

To the Editors: What does it mean for the Review to be the “Publication of Record for Oberlin College,” as it states atop your editorial masthead? The designation carries a weighty burden and...

Letter to the Editors: Math Barbie Debate Rages On

Tommy La Voy April 6, 2011

To the Editors: Full disclosure: I have trouble with mathematics, and do not plan to pursue it beyond the Calculus I class I took last semester. For the topic of my epistle, I refer to Professor...

Letter to the Editors: OC Republicans and Libertarians Respond to Letter

James Kuntz April 6, 2011

To the Editors: Despite his concerns, Owen Henry is mistaken in suggesting (1) that the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education receives funding solely from conservative organizations and (2)...

Letter to the Editors: Student Challenges Free Speech Organization

Owen Henry April 6, 2011

To the Editors: In last week's issue you had a letter lauding the efforts of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education in promoting free speech on college campuses nationwide. Assuredly, the...

Op-Ed: Obama Administration Offers Contradictory Statements on Libyan Policy

George Berry, Staff Writer April 6, 2011

The three-week-old no-fly zone in Libya marks a return to American participation in international security after the adventurism of the Bush years. The reasons for this are both the economic necessity...

Op-Ed: Binding Arbitration Bill Bans Collective Bargaining

Monica Klein, Opinions Editor April 6, 2011

  Governor Kasich has miraculously transformed a union concession into an illegitimate luxury. Kasich and the Republican Party have convinced a majority of the Ohio government that binding arbitration...

Oberlin College Republicans and Libertarians to Host Free Speech Expert

James Kuntz March 18, 2011

To the Editors: American colleges and universities have long been regarded as bastions of free speech and free thinking, Oberlin College included. Throughout the school’s almost 200-year history,...

Ex-Obie Explains Alumni Association

Rick Pender March 18, 2011

To the Editors: Did you know that Oberlin College alumni established an association in 1839? That’s 172 years of grads who have loved Oberlin and how it shaped them as people who make a difference...

Which Barbie Are We, Really?

The Editorial Board March 18, 2011

Recently, The Oberlin Review received a harshly worded letter, condemning our This Week editor’s joke about the difficulty of mathematics. In 1992, the Mattel company debuted a Barbie that uttered,...

Professor Finds Math Description Problematic

Manish Mehta March 18, 2011

To the Editors: In classical antiquity, a study of the artes liberales consisted of seven subjects. Grammar, logic and rhetoric comprised the core, the trivium, and arithmetic, geometry, astronomy,...

Student Senate Sends Updates

Ilyssa Meyer March 18, 2011

An issue that has been perpetually voiced about Senate has been the lack of clarity in the roles and responsibility the body is meant to play on campus. To address this concern, we arranged a panel/workshop...

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