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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

“It Takes Balls to Execute an Innocent Man”

The Editorial Board September 23, 2011

On September 21, the state of Georgia executed Troy Anthony Davis for the murder of Savannah police officer Mark MacPhail. Davis’s story attracted worldwide scrutiny when the prosecution’s case against...

Wall Street Occupied, Media Uninterested

Will Rubenstein, Opinions Editor September 23, 2011

In case you missed it, thousands of demonstrators launched coordinated protest rallies at Wall Street and other financial centers in cities around the globe on September 17. Claiming inspiration from both...

Sour Memories of 9/11

The Editorial Board September 16, 2011

Last Sunday, on the 10th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, New York Timescolumnist Paul Krugman decided to remember the occasion on his blog in a way that, shall we say, turned a few...

Questions For Adrian Fenty

Will Rubenstein, Opinions Editor September 16, 2011

Tuesday’s convocation by former D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, OC ’92, is covered elsewhere in this paper. Along with his lecture in Finney Chapel, the illustrious speaker took audience questions and spent...

Letter to the Editors: Graduation Move Could Hinder Participation

Tom Locke May 13, 2011

To the Editors: It is with great dismay that I have learned that Oberlin College is considering moving its future graduation ceremonies to the Sunday before Memorial Day. In my opinion, as an Oberlin...

Editorial: Oberlin’s Favorite Super Senior

The Editorial Board May 13, 2011

When this year’s graduating class were first-years four years ago, we entered college alongside another first-year of sorts — when Marvin Krislov began as Oberlin’s 14th president in July of 2007,...

Op-Ed: Riding the Regression Train of Austerity

Ben Master May 13, 2011

Republican solutions for the deficit, manifested most clearly in Paul Ryan’s 2012 budget proposal, threaten to fray the entire American social fabric. By this point, we know how attacks on public sector...

Op-Ed: 2012: Can Seniors Hold Off on Getting Jobs Due to Apocalypse?

Shauna Siggelkow, This Week Editor May 13, 2011

My freshman year of college, two friends and I spent Winter Term on an organic farm in Florida. Many life-changing experiences occurred in those fields: Contemplating the universe, almost getting tattoos,...

Op-Ed: Progessives Must Reject Conventional Politics

Shannon Ikebe May 13, 2011

It’s probably become too cliché to say that we are in a turbulent, troubled times. But we indeed are. Since I came to the Oberlin community nearly four years ago in the summer of 2007, the world has...

Letter: Student Senator Resigns

Savitri Sedlacek May 13, 2011

Dear Senators, As you may already know, I have decided to resign from Student Senate. It has been a pleasure to work with the student government and the Oberlin administration in different capacities...

Letter to the Editors: Athletic Department Dismisses Student Queries

Katie Baldonieri May 13, 2011

To the Editors: In my three years here at Oberlin College, I have come to not assume respect from my peers, professors or administration for the fact that I am part of the varsity softball program....

Ohio in 2012: How Obama Can Win (Again)

Leo Evans May 13, 2011

To the Editors: If we look back at the presidential elections going back decades, the significance of Ohio’s votes in the electoral college are among the most important. Look back four decades, and...

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