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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

My Experience Relying on Mutual Aid

Reginald Goudeau, Columnist October 8, 2021

Recently, my financial troubles have been the most consistent and substantial barrier to my happiness. Since my second year, I’ve worked multiple jobs at a time, which takes quite a toll. Unfortunately,...

Iranian Baha’is Face Persecution: My Cousin’s Story

Gigi Ewing, Managing Editor October 8, 2021

I am a Baha’i, a member of a world religion whose adherents strive for unity, peace, and social transformation. Because of the ongoing persecution of 350,000 other Baha’is in Iran, including...

Dear Administrators: Drop the Outdoor Mask Mandate

Dear Administrators: Drop the Outdoor Mask Mandate

Emma Benardete, Editor-in-Chief October 8, 2021

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website reads, “In general, you do not need to wear a mask in outdoor settings.” They suggest you should consider wearing a mask outdoors at crowded...

Post-Grad Careers Jeopardized by Three-Semester Plan

Arman Luczkow, Opinions Editor October 8, 2021

When COVID-19 first sent students scrambling back home in March of 2020, I was devastated. Although it had taken me a while to feel at home in Oberlin, by my second year I’d come to love the...

Every Afghan is My Family: Watching From Afar as My Home is Under Siege

Arman Luczkow, Opinions Editor August 20, 2021

The past few weeks have seen devastating developments for many Afghans. As U.S. troops withdrew from Afghanistan, the Taliban surged across the country. It wasn’t long before the Afghan government collapsed...

Delayed Housing Assignments Are Latest ResEd Misstep

Editorial Board August 20, 2021

Ask any Obie how they feel about the Office of Residential Education, and they’ll probably recount numerous pent-up grievances. ResEd’s laundry list of mishaps from the past year includes their inability...

When My ZIP Code Matters Most: An International Student’s Story With Financial Aid

Noah Hamaoui August 20, 2021

“Dear Noah,  We’re sorry to inform you that Oberlin cannot change your financial aid package,” wrote the Oberlin Office of Financial Aid in an email to me. I’ve heard this speech so many...

More Support Needed to Counteract Crunch-Time Culture

Reginald Goudeau, Columnist August 13, 2021

Crunch-time culture is rampant throughout Oberlin, but the three-semester plan and the lack of breaks and administrative support, combined with still rigorous class schedules, has worsened Oberlin’s...

It’s Okay to Take a Mental Health Day

Sydney Rosensaft, Senior Staff Writer August 13, 2021

The hectic rush of college life and the process of learning to balance everything yourself is taxing on student mental health. It often seems impossible to find space to prioritize yourself and take time...

Oberlin’s COVID-19 Policies Unclear, Insufficient

Desmond Hearne Morrey, Columnist August 13, 2021

During the summer semester, there has only been one confirmed case of COVID-19 on Oberlin’s campus. This achievement, while impressive, is perhaps boosted by the fact that the College has discontinued...

Discouraging COVID-19 Testing Won’t Mitigate Spread of Anxiety

Editorial Board August 13, 2021

The summer semester has breezed by in terms of COVID-19 mitigation. For the most part, life on campus this summer has been unaffected by the pandemic, despite the fact that, for the rest of the world,...

You’re Not Being Tricked: Put the Mask Back On

Peter Fray-Witzer August 6, 2021

Things are starting to get dicey again.  Everyone is talking about it: the radio station I listen to as I drive to work,  “JAM’N 94.5, Boston’s #1 for Hip-Hop,” had a call-in segment about...

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