Kirk Ormand, Nathan A. Greenberg Professor of Classics
• August 6, 2021
Oberlin College faculty were recently informed that we will all be moved onto a Consumer Driven Healthcare Plan, a high-deductible plan, in direct contradiction to the recommendation of our Compensation...
Although Oberlin is well-known for the Conservatory’s music, the musicality of College students is sometimes overlooked. The majority of people I have met at Oberlin play an instrument — with varying...
I was a sophomore in high school the year that former President Donald Trump was elected. In retrospect, it’s clear that a lot of the boys that I hung out with were struggling with depression. They spent...
You should quit your job. Or at least consider it. If not your job, then maybe a club or co-curricular activity, or take that one awful class pass/no entry. Seriously — you’re probably doing a lot...
“They’re gonna breathe on me!” My mother chuckled as I wailed to her about the lifting of COVID-19 guidelines on campus. I had just finished my most successful semester at Oberlin, primarily completed...
In March 2020, I began conversations with the Nord Center and the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion about founding a student organization called Survivors of Sexual Harm & Allies. At the time,...
As the pandemic subsides across the country, most college students are home for summer break. Some are taking the opportunity to spend time with family, others are traveling or beginning in-person internships....
“Oh, honey,” I hear from the other end of the phone, “your lungs are just covered in scar tissue.” I laugh and then wince as my newly fractured rib sends shooting pain up my side. It’s simultaneously...
The summer break for rising second-year students is long — almost five months in fact. Stretching from the middle of May to the beginning of October, the break provides an unprecedented opportunity for...
As usual, I’m a prophet of sorts when predicting things going wrong at this institution. Recently, I’ve been reflecting on the first article I ever wrote for the Review, which focused on Oberlin’s...