The daily thunder had just begun to echo, and the clouds were not yet within sight in the middle of Kigali, Rwanda’s capital. As I reached over to close the window I commented to a friend, “there aren’t...
The movement for Black Lives does not exist only in large cities or suburban enclaves. The Oberlin Police Department is a small town microcosm of America’s racist system of policing. The time is long...
Booker C. Peek, Professor Emeritus of Africana Studies
• October 28, 2020
Our Congressman Jim Jordan said on Fox TV this Sunday morning that his and President Trump's most important and urgent goal is to open up everything instantly — all schools, jobs, entertainment, etc....
As Student Senate’s Race Relations and Equity Liaison, one of my missions is to put the voices of oppressed people at the forefront when addressing issues that impact their communities the most. I want...
Current students have never before experienced an Oberlin October without a fall break — and we don’t want to whine, but it’s harder than we expected. While normally midterms would be followed by...
The craft store Ginko Gallery & Studio’s back room is usually filled with people, eagerly waiting to cuddle a newborn kitten. Petting a kitten lowers a person’s heart rate to provide stress relief,...
These opinions do not reflect the views of The Oberlin Review staff. However, we are amazing and knowledgeable about many things, so we’re glad that you trust us to settle these debates.
Deljou Abadi, Director, Iranian Refugees’ Alliance, Inc.
• October 21, 2020
Editor’s Note: This statement is part of a broader conversation about allegations brought against Professor of Religion and Nancy Schrom Dye Chair in Middle East and North African Studies Mohammad Jafar...
People materialize onto the screen for my 9:00 a.m. Greek History class. Connecting to audio, they turn on their cameras, heads bowed within seconds to stare at their phones. By 9:05, two people have turned...
Dear Educational Plans and Policies Committee and Educational Policy Committee,
We write today to ask that Oberlin College and Conservatory cancels classes on Election Day, Nov. 3, 2020, considering...
"Trump Has Won A Second Term!" will read the headlines in America and throughout the entire world some time after Nov. 3. If that becomes our world, all Americans should rejoice over the fact Trump won’t...
Audrey Kolb, President, Friends of Westwood Cemetery
• October 21, 2020
In his letter, Let Us Lift Our Memorials Above Ground, Mr. Brunberg raised some legitimate concerns about the maintenance of, and regulations around, section S of the Westwood cemetery; but they are concerns...