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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Reflections on Third-Year Responses to Oberlin’s Trimester Plan

Nico Vickers, Managing Editor February 19, 2021

In my position as This Week editor, I collected and published data from fellow third-years concerning how they felt about the College’s three-semester plan. While processing the responses, I reviewed...

Off-Campus Students Face Challenges in Accessing Mental Health Services

Walter Thomas-Patterson, Conservatory Editor February 19, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the way that colleges address the mental health needs of their students — and at many schools, has left some students behind. Research from the American College...

Amid Successes, SOAR Fails to Deliver on Student Feedback

Reginald Goudeau, Columnist February 17, 2021

The Sophomore Opportunities and Academic Resources program was a series of highs and lows throughout January. I enjoyed several activities and sessions, and the team did a great job matching me with a...

Post Trump, Path to Healing America Requires Trust

Julian Mitchell-Israel, Columnist February 17, 2021

As I write this, the calendar marks almost a month since President Biden’s inauguration. The weeks seem to flicker by, and day by day Trump’s importance seems to fade. With his absence, so goes the...

A student picks up dinner at Heritage, the kosher dining hall located in Talcott Hall. The space was previously occupied by the Kosher and Halal co-op.

Kosher Halal Co-op Deserves Space on Campus

Emily Ostrom February 12, 2021

For more than 40 years, Talcott Hall has provided a home for Kosher Halal Co-op, a student-run dining cooperative that follows both Jewish and Muslim dietary laws. Membership in KHC is open to all students,...

Khalid and Zoë Advise Everything: Red Flags

Khalid McCalla and Zoë Martin del Campo February 12, 2021

Mr. Skeleton wants to know: “What are some red flags for prospective new partners (but make ’em funny)?” Shoutout to Mr. Skeleton for asking the perfect question to kick off our new column. We...

Comic: Pandemic Love

Comic: Pandemic Love

Clair Wang, Illustrator February 12, 2021

Keep Your Valentine’s Day Feelings Private

Leon Khoury February 12, 2021

Everyone I know seems to adore Valentine’s Day. In a group chat this January, my good friends on campus spontaneously put together a Valentine’s Day get-together. All of us will sit around a porch...

Now is a Good Time to Join OSCA

Editorial Board February 10, 2021

Many of us recall flipping through glossy admissions catalogs sent from Oberlin during our senior year of high school. The catalogs boasted a school brimming with democratic environments and tight-knit...

Administration Lacks Proactive Attitude Toward Improving Mental Health Resources

Reginald Goudeau, Columnist February 10, 2021

Well, it appears that, although I’m not the most enthusiastic about writing another article about this topic, I have no other choice. In my previous article, titled “Being Black in a World of Darkness,”...

Administrators Block Student Efforts to Survey Mental Health

Arman Luczkow, Columnist February 10, 2021

Since last October, I have served as chair of the Student Senate Health and Wellness working group. When I first joined, I assumed that our work would focus on physical health and safety surrounding COVID-19....

Comic: Lost in Thought

Comic: Lost in Thought

Danny Valero, Illustrator February 10, 2021

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