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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Comic: Quarantine Lifestyle

Comic: Quarantine Lifestyle

Clair Wang, Illustrator February 5, 2021

Privilege Abounds in Petition to Bring Back Spring Sports

Khalid McCalla, Sports Editor February 5, 2021

When the College announced the decision to cancel all spring sports, Oberlin athletes were understandably upset. As a former athlete who had seasons stolen by injury, I know the pain of losing a season....

College on Pause: Is it the Pandemic, My Classes, or Me?

Walter Thomas-Patterson, Conservatory Editor February 5, 2021

The first time I sat down in a Conservatory practice room, I felt this flash of anxiety and wondered, “Am I really ready for all of this?” I had spent my life practicing piano, playing in competitions,...

Your Vote Affects Me

Kushagra Kar, Editor-in-Chief December 4, 2020

It might not always seem like it, but there are more than enough reasons for foreign nationals to be invested in American politics. I’ve had the unpleasant experience of being discounted by domestic...

Obies Make Us Hopeful

Editorial Board December 4, 2020

Well, here we are. It’s the last week of classes and, as planned, Oberlin students have gone home — many of us scattered to childhood bedrooms across the country to finish final projects and exams....

Reassessing College Expectations Amid COVID-19

Ella Pike December 4, 2020

COVID-19 restricts what we can do, the number of people we can see, and places we can go. During my first few weeks at Oberlin College, these restrictions felt suffocating. It took me quite some time to...

Trump Stance on Election Results Disrespects Democracy

Booker C. Peek, Emeritus Professor of Africana Studies November 20, 2020

Donald Trump is our president and has every right to ensure that President-elect Biden was duly and fairly elected by the American voters. However shocking and painful it would be to those of us who voted...

My Thoughts Have Value: A Radical Black Feminist Perspective on Student Activism

Vera Grace Menafee November 20, 2020

“Come celebrate with me that everyday something has tried to kill me and has failed.” - Lucille Clifton My whole life all I’ve known are private institutions. Teachers with implicit bias who punished...

Freshman Year: COVID Edition

Joshua Bowen November 20, 2020

“This is my first day on campus, my first day as a first-year, my first day of the rest of my college life,” I thought as a woman in Chernobyl-level protective gear rummaged around somewhere near my...

Uncovering The Lives of Oberlin Dining Hall Staff

Sydney Rosensaft and Ella Pike November 13, 2020

You walk through the glass doors of Mudd Center and turn left along the well-worn path to Azariah’s Café. At the counter, the two regular baristas, Tyler and Sam, greet you with a, “Good morning!...

Democrats Must Change Strategies in Georgia

Booker C. Peek, Professor Emeritus of Africana Studies November 13, 2020

“America won” last week with our elections, in which almost 150 million of us voted in or out those politicians and issues we favor or oppose. Yes, some outcomes are still uncertain, but one isn’t:...

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