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Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Established 1874.

The Oberlin Review

Wildfires Highlight Inequity in Environmental, Climate Crises

Nathan Carpenter and Jackie Brant November 16, 2018

In recent weeks, footage of the fires currently raging through the state of California has appeared in the news and on social media. We have seen houses destroyed, communities devastated, and families...

MRC Deserves Better

Editorial Board November 9, 2018

Advocating for social justice is perhaps the Oberlin community’s most strongly-held value. We care deeply about equity, even though we’re far from perfect in achieving it. One of the most important...

Voter Suppression Threatens Democracy

Ilana Foggle, Columnist November 9, 2018

After more than a year of local and state politicians campaigning around the country, the midterm elections are finally over and the results are in. The much-discussed “blue wave” dominated in states...

Student Transportation Services Must Be Reenvisioned

Elijah Aladin, Contributing Writer November 9, 2018

While the College explores ways to consolidate and improve transportation options between Oberlin and Cleveland, it is important to understand the role that we, the students, play in our current transportation...

Ohio Residents Should Have Taken Chance on Issue 1

Jackie Brant, Opinions Editor November 9, 2018

Regardless of how these midterm elections went overall, there are many outcomes that we all can and should be proud of. The U.S. went from having its lowest voter turnout rates in midterm history in 2014...

SASA Rings in Diwali Celebration with Unique Gusto

Ananya Gupta, Managing Editor November 9, 2018

On my third Diwali at Oberlin, I had one of the best Campus Dining Services dinners in my three years on campus. Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights, a celebration of the triumph of good over evil in...

Senate Supports Students In the Face of Institutional Change

Henry Hicks, Contributing Writer November 9, 2018

This article is part of the Review’s Student Senate column. In an effort to increase communication and transparency, student senators will provide personal perspectives on recent events on campus and...

A Thank You to College Faculty

Meg Parker, Photo Editor November 9, 2018

Sitting in Craig Lecture Hall on Wednesday, my fellow student representatives to the College Faculty Committee and I attended the first meeting we were ever invited to. Although students had been official...

Kendal Supports Community with Taxes

Barbara Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, Kendal at Oberlin November 2, 2018

First, I want to extend compliments to the students of Oberlin College who invest their time to provide a weekly newspaper offering important communication for students, faculty and staff, but also the...

 Voters Should Consider Third Parties

Lisa Kavanaugh, Oberlin Resident November 2, 2018

As we come closer to the elections, it is with great sorrow we watch as the “corrupt corporate two” censor other viable gubernatorial candidates on the ballot from the debates. Protests against this...

 Students Can Affect Change Through Voting

John Petersen, Paul Sears Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology November 2, 2018

There are many ways for Oberlin students to affect positive change in this world, and voting this coming Tuesday, Nov. 6 is an important one of these. I’m a permanent resident of this community; I have...

Vote Them Out

Editorial Board November 2, 2018

It’s been nearly two years since the devastation of Election Day 2016, when the American public decided to elevate someone who represents the worst among us in almost every way to the country’s highest...

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