One of the first questions many Obies are asked upon arriving on campus for their first-year orientation is whether they would like to register to vote in Ohio. Several groups — student and community,...
In order to produce tangible resolutions to discourse surrounding the athlete/non-athlete divide on campus arising from the “Athletics 101/Hate Sports?” panels, it is important that multiple perspectives...
John Petersen, Contributing Writer
• November 3, 2017
“Think One Person Can Change The World? So Do We.” This is one of the most successful promotional campaigns Oberlin College has ever run, because the desire to bring about positive change by engaging...
To the Editors:
More than a month has passed since Isabella Moreno resigned as the interim director of Oberlin College’s Office of Disability Resources, and we have still seen no significant structural...
Students should do all that they can to educate themselves before voting in the elections that are coming up this Tuesday, Nov. 7. I care deeply about Issues 16 and 17, which are focused on the City of...
To the Editors:
On Tuesday, Nov. 7, I will have the distinct pleasure of voting for Kelley Singleton for Oberlin City Council. I urge you to do the same — not because of Kelley’s experience in management,...
Jeremy Poe, Double-degree Fifth-year, Student Senator 2015–2016
• November 3, 2017
To the Editors:
In the Oct. 27 edition of The Oberlin Review, it was implied that I began the student representatives initiative recently rejected by the board (“Trustees Reject Proposal for Student...
Booker C. Peek, Emeritus Associate Professor of Africana Studies
• November 3, 2017
To the Editors:
We on earth have our problems. The first is that in a second, comets, asteroids, or an all-out unleashing of the world’s nuclear stockpiles could wipe us all out. More slowly, it could...
To the Editors:
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms,...
Jim Walsh, Professor of Mathematics
• November 3, 2017
To the Editors:
I am writing to express strong support for School Board candidates Sandra Redd and Jason Williams. I believe it is important that we elect School Board candidates that will move the district...
In the wake of anti-Semitic flyers being discovered by Safety and Security on Warner Center and Peters Hall early in the morning Oct. 13, President Ambar announced in an email to the students, faculty,...