I don’t accept “despites.” They lead me to build walls between myself and my family. My best friends forcefully dismantle them. And I see their presence in romantic relationships as potentially abusive.
A.G. Miller, Pastor, Oberlin House of The Lord Fellowship
• October 27, 2017
To the Editors:
I am writing in response to “Sergeants Oppose Oberlin Police Chief Hire” by Jodi Weinberger that appeared in The Elyria Chronicle-Telegram on Oct. 7, 2017 about three sergeants’...
Editors’ Note: This article contains mention of unwilling ingestion of consciousness-altering drugs.
I am a former athlete who played lacrosse at Oberlin for three years. From my first to fifth years...
To the Editors:
It is important to return Kelley Singleton to Oberlin’s City Council for a second term. I have never seen a first-term councilmember work as hard as Kelley to understand the issues and...
To the Editors:
When you vote in Oberlin in the upcoming election, please cast one of your votes for Linda Slocum for City Council. Here’s why.
During her first term on council, Linda has demonstrated...
To the Editors:
We urge Oberlin voters to support Bill Jindra and Ronnie Rimbert in this year’s council race. Both candidates bring a wealth of experience, knowledge of city needs, and concern for others...
To the Editors:
The letter from Steve Hammond and John Elder on Sept. 22, 2017 in The Oberlin Review, “Voters Can Correct City Council’s Mistakes,” provides solid reasons for voting “Yes” on...
To the Editors:
The City of Oberlin is blessed to have a number of excellent candidates for City Council this year. Two candidates in particular may be less familiar to many but merit special attention:...
Charles Peterson, Associate Professor of Africana Studies
• October 27, 2017
To the Editors:
I am writing this letter in support of the candidacies of Heather Adelman, Sharon Pearson, Linda Slocum, and Bryan Burgess for Oberlin City Council. I fortunately have some experience...
When I was growing up in Montreal, Quebec, there was a shooting at the school that I would later attend. I mentioned it to some of my friends here in Oberlin last year, when the topic of gun violence had...
Xander Kott, Contributing Writer
• October 6, 2017
When the latest attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act — the Graham-Cassidy bill — failed before reaching the Senate last week, many people were left wondering how the health care debate will move...